Chapter Sixteen

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-Eleanor's POV-

When I woke up, I found myself alone in the bed. Lou probably already woke up.

I yawned as I got up and made my bed. Then, I remember what happened last night. I smiled at the memory. I really am glad Lou and I aren't fighting anymore. I never thought we'd be okay.

I went downstairs and everything was so quiet. There were pancakes and bacons on the table which made my mouth water. But- I don't want my excercise yesterday to go to waste. When I made a U-turn, a voice stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I let out a scream. "Geez Louis! You scared the crap out of me!" I put a hand on my chest. Oh Louis!

Lou chuckled. "What are you doing?" his face turned to serious.

"What do you mean?"

"Why aren't you eating breakfast?" He asked suspiciously. Oh God, I hope he doesn't find out that I have not been eating since we came here.

"Not hungry," I lied.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. When was the last time you ate? I'm pretty sure you didn't eat last night."

I did not speak. I don't think I could deny the fact that I really am hungry. I avoided his gaze and looked at the floor. Seems interesting. It's really shiny and it looks new and expens-

"Eleanor!" He said, angrily. It made me look at him. His face was red in anger and his jaw clenched. He looks pretty scary.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You have to eat! I can feel that you haven't eaten since our flight am I right?"

I didn't answer him.

"El! You have to eat! You're going to die!" he yelled at me.

"I'm used to it, Lou!" I shouted back with tears forming around my eyes. "Fine you wanna know the truth? I did not eat since yesterday! Happy? The longest time I haven't eaten is a week! It's a good thing I don't throw up anymore after I eat!" Those words slipped on my mouth.

Silence fell upon us. After a minute or two, Lou cupped my face into his hands and rubbed my cheeks softly with his thumb.

"You're beautiful, El. I didn't know why I was mean to you honestly. I did not know you. I judged you. You're more beautiful than your size,El. Model or not,  you're still gonna be the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on," he told me, sincerely.

The whole world seems to stop. Those 8 words made me forget everything; all the pain, hatred, insecurities, sadness, and humiliation went away. Including Lucas' death.

"Now, sit your ass down and eat," he smiled, as he took my hand and led me in the table.

-Louis' POV-

When El confessed about her starving herself, I was mad. Beyond mad. It's not that I was mad because I felt responsible. But it's because I am worried about her health.

She's so skinny for Heaven's sake! I was mad at the bullies who bullied her. Mad at myself. Mad at Hannah.

If I would turn back the time to the very first day we met, I'd do that. I never realized how beautiful inside and out she is until now.

I feel bad for Lucas. He can never make her smile again. He can't hug or kiss her again. He can't touch her ever again. Poor lad.

El's a wonderful person, yet people keeps on hurting her. And she thinks she's the one hurting them?! Pathetic people.

The kindest people always think they're the ones who hurts people the most, yet their the ones who were actually getting hurt inside.

I watched her devour a slice of pancake into her mouth. So far, she've ate one and a half pancakes and a piece of bacon.

We talked to each other as if nothing ever happened. It's quite fun actually.

"I wonder if guys have periods through their carrots," she randomly said.

I started cracking up. "C-carots?" I was laughing so hard tears were falling out of my eyes.

"You sound like a dying hamster you know that?" she rolled her eyes while chewing.

That made me laugh even more. This conversation is actually funny and perverted. xD

After El eat(I finally settled down after 10 minutes), we decided to take a walk to the park. This time, I made sure our phone's fully charge just in case and the park's only 20 minutes away from here.

Whilst El was changing, I was also busy changing. I kept on changing my hairstyles. Wait should I leave it like that- It looks weird! -Quiff or usual?- Ugh!

I can't deny the fact that I'm slowly falling with El. She's beautiful and she's the most understanding person you could ever ask for. I'm unsure. I don't know what I feel about her. I don't know if it's love or sympathy.

Am I doing this because I don't want her getting hurt? Or because I feel bad for her?

What about Hannah? I love Hannah.  But-

Stop it, Louis! Hold your horse up! Eleanor is just a friend. You love Hannah. You love Hannah-

"Lou?" a faint voice said, knocking at my door at the same time.

"Almost done," I shouted. I took a look at myself in the mirror. Denim jeans and a plain, black shirt doesn't look to bad, right?

When I open the door, my mouth felt the urge to drool. But I know that it won't be respectful. I just can't help it!

There stood El wearing mini shorts and a top with no sleeves, showing her visible collarbones down to her you know what I mean. Her you know what I'm saying is not showing. What I mean is her neckline and collarbones were exposed. Her hair were perfectly straightened.

"Let's go?" yes! I didn't say something stupid.

She just nodded with a smile.

For some reason, I felt possessive. Since it's sunny, there would be hot guys that would hit on El.

And for some reason, I couldn't bear to let that happen.

Yay! Early update! I will try to update all the time because I am going to end this pretty soon since I'm currently working on a new book.

The song titled of this story would be Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber.

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