The Chin and the Impossible Girl

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Cut finger

A.N. I'm going to try and post one every day i don't know how thats gunna work out for me! Please vote thanks x oh and if you have any ideas or prompts for a fanfic I can do then comment!


Clara sighed as she pulled out the black remnants of a soufflé from the TARDIS's oven. It's was her thirty seventh attempt but that didn't matter. The TARDIS gave her unlimited ingredients and thirty eight was her lucky number. Ok so was thirty seven and thirty six and thirty five but she could feel that this one was going to be worth all the hassle. She picked up the charred one but it immediately burnt her fingers causing her to drop the soufflé dish on the floor. Cursing her luck she inspected her fingers closely. Around the edges they were white and the smell of burning skin radiated off them. 'Brilliant!' she thought sarcastically. Getting down on her hands and knees she began to pick up the broken clay pieces with her fingers dropping them from time to time as they burnt her fragile hands. Suddenly she heard singing from one of the other many rooms surrounding the kitchen, making her jump. It was the Doctor...

Ever since they had been to see the opera on the planet Vilvalda last night, the Doctor hadn't stopped singing. He'd been obsessed with the character Antonio and a certain song he sang. He didn't know many of the words and so for the whole day he'd been singing the same four bars in an eardrum shattering volume. Clara went to plug her ears but something stopped her. Moving her right hand away from her she found it covered with blood. She gasped in shock feeling sick and moved her hand around to find out where it was coming from. It seemed to be coming from her ring finger and she looked away quickly. She couldn't stand her own blood.

"Doctor?.." she said her voice a mere whisper as she started shaking slightly. A pool of blood was on the floor as she realised over his 'singing' the Doctor would never be able to hear her. "Doctor," she said panic rising in her voice. She hadn't seen the full extent of her cut but it was deep and the amount of blood... She wanted to throw up and still the Doctor was singing!

"Doctor!" she shouted with no result. She just knelt there for a moment trying to calm herself down, aware that the she had lost the feeling in her legs. As she plucked up the courage to look at her hand. Counting down from three she shook her head and held her finger up to her eye level. It's was gory. The china had slashed her ring finger from the top down to three quarters of the way down. In the middle of the finger you could see the bone peeking through which made Clara gag. She needed the Doctor. Now.

"Doctor! Doctor!," she screamed at the top of her lungs.


Doctors P.O.V

"Viola! Viola! Il mio cuore muore per te Viola!" the Doctor sang at the top of his voice. He must admit he was getting pretty good at the singing lark, even rolling his r's! Chuffed with himself he was about to sing the four bars again when suddenly his singing was interrupted by a scream of his name. "Clara," he whispered panic rising in him as he ran in the direction of her shouting. He reached the door of the TARDIS kitchen nearly running past it with the speed of his sprint. Clara was kneeling on the floor surrounded by broken china with a tear stained face and a pool of blood dripping down her arm. She was clutching her right hand with her eyes firmly shut and still screaming his name. She really looked bad he thought as he knelt down beside her, minding the broken soufflé dish.

"Clara? Clara?" he asked as the screamed turned to whimpers as she realised he was there. "Hey it's ok I'm here now," he whispered to her voice soothing.

"Doctor?" Clara asked still with her eyes shut.

"Yepitydoda!" he said smiling. Clara gave him a look even with her eyes closed. "Yeah, I'm never saying that again..."

"Doctor it hurts..." Clara whimpered. "Am I being silly?"

"No, no, no, no of corse not. Can I see please?" he asked lightly touching Clara's hand.

Clara grimaced. She held her hand out and the Doctor looked at it and then at Clara. Her face was a twisted look of pain and fear. Her hand looked quite bad and she was losing a lot of blood. He thought about taking her to hospital or an A&E but knew getting out of the kitten would be hard enough with Clara's eyes firmly shut like that. Instead he blew gently on it, regeneration energy pouring out of his open mouth and onto her hand swirling round it before evaporating into the air.

"Did you just breath on me?" Clara asked her voice trying to sound ok when she was still shaking.

"Open your eyes, look at it Clara," the Doctor said pushing her too. Clara shook her head violently.

"No, please don't make me, no, no," she cried tears streaming down her face. The Doctor scooped her up pulling her onto his lap and playing with her hair calming her as she cried softly.

"Why not?" the Doctor asked.

"I just don't like blood,"

"But you've seen blood before and never batted an eyelid,"

"Ok my blood I don't like my blood,"

"Oh Clara but its ok now I've fixed it! It's all better," the Doctor said running small circles into her back.

"It will still... be there though..." she protested.

"No it won't. Check if you don't believe me," the Doctor said matter of factly. Clara slowly opened one tearstained eye and looked at her right hand both eyes flickering open in shock.

"But... how?" she began in disbelief.

"Regeneration energy. That is two and a half year of my life there..."

"But you shouldn't have that's a long time,"

"I can give up all the time for you Clara Oswald..." the Doctor said as Clara smiled her shaking slowly stopping as she sat up a little still in the Doctors lap and a little embarrassed.

"Your chin looks bigger from this angle," she said flicking it using her cut free right hand...


Done! Took me a day on and off. Hope u enjoyed it please vote and follow me! Thanks x Seisha

The Chin and the Impossible GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora