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"How long do we have to wait for these stupid queues to end?!" Angie asked for the fourth time in the last five minutes.

"We'll I can't even see the end so I'd say a while yet," Artie replied to Clara's annoyance.

"Not long now Angie. Just because you can't see the end doesn't mean it's far away or something," The Doctor said

"Ignore your brother. It's probably just round here," Clara continued as the queue shifted forward by a centimetre.

"Why are we going to this stupid paintballing place anyway?" Angie carried on checking her phone.

"Because its your brothers birthday treat," Clara replied shortly.

"Yes it's my birthday in a few days and because dads away on a business trip Clara and the Doctor are taking us paintballing. Do I really need to go over it again?" Artie asked innocently.

"Oh shut up," Angie said earning a confused look from Artie and a stern one from Clara.

"Now you see I never tell anyone to shut up," the Doctor said. "I prefer using another method,"

"What method? Cause if its that space stuff then it doesn't work on me!-" Angie went on as the Doctor put a finger to his lips and shushed her. "And once more- oh..." she said as the whole queue came to a silence. Clara smiled at him as Artie looked up at the Doctor in awe.

"And as for the queue I can solve that!" the Doctor grinned taking the psychic paper from his pocket.


"Right. First things first. Paintballing is dangerous! That's why you have to wear all your safety equipment," the instructor said to the group Angie, Artie, Clara and the Doctor were in. The Doctor was looking around at the arena they we about to enter as Clara and Artie listened intently to the brief. Angie was pushing the gravel about with her foot bored. The instructor held up the various items as he explained them. "Suit to stop your clothes from getting splattered. I know what you girls are like!" he smiled looking as Angie who immediately looked away and sighed. The instructor gave a small cough before continuing. "The suit is also to protect you if you get hit anywhere on the body that might hurt... gentlemen," he said as a few laughed spread around the group. "You will get bruises mind so just be warned. Next! The mask. This will protect your mouth and face from getting hit because trust me that would hurt you have to keep this on at all times or you will be disqualified from the game. Another thing you must keep on are these googles. They will protect your eyes obviously but also means you can see clearly. Do not wear your own glasses. These are reinforced which means they can survive the impact of the paintballs. If you wear your own then you could get splinters in your eyes when the plastic breaks from impact," The instructor carried on with the introduction for a minuet before they were allowed to get ready and collect their guns.

"These are so cool!" Angie exclaimed holding up her gun.

"Really?" Clara asked chuffed that Angie was interested in something on their day trip.

"Well yeah much better then any of the other stuff here!" she said picking up the paint pellets. "When can we start shooting?"

"I think we get a practice first," the Doctor said inspecting the guns and pellets for himself.

"Clara?" Artie whispered tugging at Clara's protective suit.

"Hey why don't you two get some more pellets hey?" Clara asked. "They are free for Artie's birthday!" she added as the two walked off together. Clara sat down on the bench next to them so she was up to Artie's height. "What's up?" she asked the seemingly troubled boy.

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