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"Sailing? Really? Can you even sail?" Clara asked baffled as the Doctor dragged her along the concrete paving, running, which was hard to do at midnight.

"Of corse! I was part of the girls GB team. We came second twice in 2028 Olympics!" the Doctor said making Clara laugh.

"But don't need two people to sail?" Clara asked as they reached a TARDIS blue sailing boat. All the sails were still in their bags and the Doctor rubbed his hands together and started unpacking one.

"Not with this!" the Doctor said holding up his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor and Clara had been trying to chase an alien creature for the whole day, or 220 years depending on how you looked at it. Some UNIT members ran up behind them.

"Sir," one of them said as the Doctor batted down his saluting hand. "Sir," he repeated. "We need you to come with us on the power boat. Your friends can join the others on the other boat,"

"Which other boat?" the Doctor asked and the UNIT member pointed to a rowing boat.

"She won't have to row, sir, just we don't have enough room in the power boat and I know she is a good asset to the mission," the UNIT member continued. Clara smiled as the soilder complimented her.

"Take the sailing boat!" the Doctor half whined in protest. "It has more room, better supplies, if we're going to catch that monster then we're going to need a better boat then that!" the Doctor said pointing to the rowing boat.

"Sir?" the UNIT member said to the officer who marched over.

"The Doctors right, Calmberson take the wayfarer, set it up now," the officer said walking away again as the Doctor punched the air and tapped the boat in a friendly way.

"Only you could acquire an emotional attachment with a boat..." Clara sighed as officers ran over to get the boat set up pushing them out of the way. "So what is the plan?" she asked above the noise of the commotion.

"Well the Felthephy monster thingy-" the Doctor started.

"A technical word is that?" Clara asked amused as the Doctor nodded.

"Yes, most defiantly technical as you like, anyway we're going to corner the Felly, can I call it that? Felly? Yeah, right well Felly's gunna be cornered then captured, making defininate sure no harm comes to him and then, my favourite bit, I'm going to talk to it!" the Doctor concluded.

"Talk to it? Really?" Clara asked uncertain of the Doctors motives.

"Well not sure really, maybe, probably not, I don't know i'll see when we get there, come on we'll have to dash," the Doctor pointed out as both boats were getting launched into the water. He started to walk over when Clara dragged him back.

"It's dark, dingy, and dangerous out there, are we going to be safe?" Clara asked the Doctor slightly nervous about what they were setting out to attempt.

"You know all those words you used to describe your fears began with a 'd' and do you know what else begins with a 'd'? Doctor. And I, as the Doctor, am promising you Clara Oswin Oswald that everything will be fine," he replied staring into her eyes until the look was returned. She took him into a deep hug but it was shortly interrupted by a loud, clear, commanding voice.

"Doctor, Clara, now!" the officer of UNIT called as they both ran and hopped into their separate boats, putting on life jackets. They waved goodbye their voices unaudible now as they set off to find the Felly.


"Felthephy spotted at 200 feet north-east," one soilder called through their walkie-talkie. Clara was starting to enjoy the sailing now. All the equipment was set up inside as the boat had more room then the power boat and Clara's job was just to keep the boat balenced. Going to the left when the boat tilted to the right and the right when the boat tilted to the left. There were three other UNIT soldiers on the boat too. Calmberson who had two ropes in his hands. One of these would be in a sort of black noose and the other loose. These would change position as they went round corners. Another UNIT member, Roberterson was stirring the late boat and the other, Anderson, was on communications and getting ropes and stunning equipment ready. Clara held her head up high and smiled as the wind blew her hair up. There was a strong breeze in the air and it was helping the boat mover slicker in the water. The calm was distrupted by the news that 'Felly' was near though. The movement was upseting the boats position and Clara and the rest of the crew had to battle to keep it in place. "Felthephy now 50 feet south-south-west and getting closer 40 feet, 25, 10, 5 feet now sir," the soilder called through his device slightly nervous at the creature approaching them. "Less than 5 feet now sir I think-" he began as suddenly the whole boat tipped with a sudden force. Clara fell over to one side, being caught by on of the UNIT officers as another barked orders with ropes being pulled and tightened in response.

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