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The Doctor and Clara walked into the restaurant as the waiter led the two to a table.

"My treat!" the Doctor cried. "Have whatever you want,"

"Oh! Nice and posh!" Clara exclaimed.

"I know!" the Doctor replied. "I'm just going to get something from somewhere!" he called as he walked away.

"Right!" Clara called back.

"Don't follow me!" the Doctor cried. Clara smiled to herself and relaxed back in her chair. She let the conversations around her take over her thoughts.

"Iraq must me hard,"

"Coming back next week,"

"Yes but how do I pop the question? I love her Mark,"

"I don't know I mean another three months and we'll have a little one to look after!"

"Awww how sweet have you chosen a name? I al-"

"There's a bomb," the Doctor said interrupting Clara's thoughts.

"What?" Clara asked smiling slightly wondering weather the Doctor was pulling a joke on her.

"There's a bomb in here, right now. I only checked this place out cause it was a fixed point in time... Oh I really wish I hadn't..." the Doctor said.

"What do you mean? What's a fixed point in time?" Clara asked worriedly.

"A point in time that can never be changed for anything. It always has to happen. The rest of time can be in flux but today, right here, right now has to stay... We're going now..." the Doctor said quickly and quietly, leading Clara away. She pulled back though looking round her.

"Yes but only once we've let all these people know what's happening and they're out and safe!" Clara protested as the Doctor began to lead her away again.

"No we just leave," the Doctor replied.

"But then they'll die!" Clara cried once they were outside.

"And you don't think I realise that!" the Doctor cried back, turning to face his companion. He was angry and Clara could see that. She didn't care though.

"No! You have to save them! That's what you do! That what we do!" Clara said her voice raised an octave.

"No! I am NOT the hero. I never have been and I never will be. I travel ok? And people get in my way!" the Doctor stormed, his face close to Clara's. She was frightened by she held her ground.

"People get in your way?! These people are going to die!" Clara cried.

"People die! That's WHAT THEY DO!" the Doctor roared.

"Your a MONSTER," Clara screamed, tears streaming down her face. The Doctor turned to walk away.

"And your human..." he replied not turning back to look at her.

"Oh and your so much better then 'humans'!" Clara said finally getting the Doctor's attention. He walked up to her again, calmer this time but his eyes still cold.

"Yes! Do you know why? Because this happened to ME! My friends, my family, my life! DEAD. And you don't think this is hard for me? To watch others die as well?!"

"You didn't have to bring me," Clara said as the Doctor's eyes filled with anger and hurt.

"I shouldn't have in the first place. Oh I warned you! Clara Oswin Oswald. I warned you! Danger and death! They follow me around wherever I go and YOU chose to follow me too,"

"You know what it's like to watch your people DIE! And now I have to watch mine die as well. After all you've been through!" Clara cried sobbing as the Doctor looked at her. He suddenly felt an overwhelming rush of guilt.

"I'm sorry..." he said.

"No your not," Clara said looking straight at him. "Cause face it, you don't even know these people just like you didn't know half of the people on your planet before they were slaughtered. It's just the fact that they all died that makes it such a big deal for you,"

"Why does it matter so much to you then? Those are people you don't know," the Doctor said pointing back at the restaurant.

"I heard one of them speaking to his mate. He's going to propose to his girlfriend tomorrow. The other woman, six months pregnant and that waiters fiancé is coming back from Iraq next week. You see Doctor, this isn't just going to affect you and me," Clara said her as the Doctor looked through the window at the busy scene full of happy people.

"What can I do though? I can't change it, it's always going to happen Clara. Whatever we do is going to make it happen,"

"Then we stay, we phone Ambulances and Fire engines in advance. Make sure people are alright. We stay for the aftermath," Clara said. She wasn't budging.

"We can't stop it and we can't get involved," the Doctor warned.

"I know. I'm calling an ambulance," Clara said as she walked away. The Doctor looked at his watch and suddenly ran pulling Clara with him. She had no choice but to run this time as the building suddenly erupted in flames, glass shooting from the windows. The sheer force of the blast threw the pair onto the grass.

"Clara? Are you ok?" the Doctor asked. Clara shook her head sobbing. The Doctor knew that there was nothing wrong with her physically and just pulled her into a hug.

"They're all dead... How did you cope?" Clara asked in between shaky breaths.

"I didn't," the Doctor replied truthfully.


The ambulance staff had Clara and the Doctor wrapped up in shock blankets as they sat on the edge of an ambulance.

"I'm sorry..." Clara said after while. "I didn't know how much it hurt. What you must have gone through..,"

"You should have never experienced what I went through and your right I should've never brought you here," the Doctor interrupted.

"You had no idea that this would happen and I wouldn't miss a days travelling with you for the world," Clara said.

"Come on, back to the TARDIS," the Doctor said as the two of them stood up, Clara shaky on her feet. "Ok?" the Doctor asked. Clara shook her head and walked next to him back to the blue box. "I know," the Doctor replied.


Well I wrote this really oddly. Did the middle to the end the. Went back and did the beginning. Did it make any difference? I have 300 reviews thanks guys! Another confession is that I actually dreamt about you guys yesterday! We were all in a tree house hotel :) anyway night x

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