Car accident part 2

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Car accident part 2

The TARDIS knew where to go. It thrummed into action before the Doctor had walked up the the main consol. He didn't know what emotions he was feeling. Anger, annoyance, sad, loneliness even now. Before he could let these feeling overcome him the TARDIS stopped and he heard sirens outside. He walked out of the blue doors numbly and into a car park. Looking around he judged that he should properly go to the right. He walked through the double doors and into what looked like a reception. Sitting at the desk was a young woman, in her twenties maybe, with a short brown bob. She looked at his tear streaked face and smiled sweetly at him.

"You alright love?" she asked him as he walked over.

"Clara, Clara Oswald?" he asked simply in reply. The receptionist looked at him with a caring look. She got this all the time. Looking on her computer screen for a while she looked at the Doctor again shaking her head.

"No sorry love no one here called Clara Oswald. When did she get admitted?" she asked as the Doctor looked at the clock. 5:12. Clara would have only been taken away in the ambulance two minutes ago. She wouldn't have even got here yet. The Doctor scanned round the hospital exasperated and then spotted her being carried straight across the reception area. The Doctor ran after catching up and reaching over to where Clara was lying soundly. She had an IV drip attached into her arm and her head was bandaged up but the blood was already seeping through and she was deathly pale.

"Clara," he breathed. "Oh Clara what have I done... I'm so so sorry. I'm here ok, for a million more years, if that's what it takes, so you can find me again. Oh my Clara please don't leave me here, not now..." he trailed off as she was taken through double doors. The Doctor getting left behind. Again. He sighed as he made his was back to the waiting room. Soon, to his dismay, Gorge Maitland came through the doors with Angie and Artie. The children smilied weakly at him as they went to the nice receptionist. As she told them to sit down and wait Gorge spotted the Doctor in one of the blue plastic waiting room chairs. He gave him a saddened look before sitting down on the far side of him.

Time dragged on. One minute, two minutes, three minutes. All of these felt like hours and all that the Maitlands and the Doctor could do was stare into space. Suddenly the Doctor heard the voice of Angie.

"Can I get a drink from the water fountain?" she asked as Gorge nodded. As Angie went to the fountain she took a different path, a longer one walking straight past the Doctor. She motioned at him to follow her. So he did. He followed her and pretended to be interested in something else whilst still talking to her. "What did you do?" Angie asked him quite innocently. "Dad was really angry and he said you pushed her into her road?"

"I never pushed her hard. A playful push that's all and we both thought that the traffic has still stopped. It's my fault though..." he replied annoyed with himself. Angie ignored his self pity and carried on with her questions.

"When you say playful push what do you mean?" she asked comfused.

"Well like this," the Doctor said pushing her very gently in the chest. She nodded as gave him a understanding and sad look.

"You really like her don't you?" she asked.

"Yes, not like that but yes, she's my best friend, more that even, like family..." the Doctor said thinking about her.

"Would you ever marry her?" Angie asked tapping the water fountain nozzle.

"Not marry, no, that could get complicated..." he thought thinking of River. "I would like to spend the rest of my life with her yes," he added truthfully.

"Awwwwww!" Angie cooed as the Doctor sighed slightly. A nurses voice broke them from their conversations though.

"The Maitland family here for Clara Oswald?" she called as Gorge motioned for Angie. They began to walk with the nurse when Artie called back.

"Doctor?" he asked expectantly. The Doctor looked at Gorge for allowence and he nodded slightly as the Doctor went to join the family.

"I'm sorry Doctor, at the crash, I overreacted and it wasn't the type of behaviour my children would ever want to see nor my wife," Gorge said gruffly.

"Me too," the Doctor said. "I would never try and Clara I promise,"

"I'm sure you wouldn't now let's pray she's ok," Gorge replied more grimly than before. So they walked in a little line of four. With Artie then Gorge, Angie and finally the Doctor. The nurse stopped outside a door and the four of them went in.

"Now Clara's on very heavy painkillers and we're going to need to put a cast on that wrist. Otherwise though I'd say she's fine apart from mild concussion. Trust me the blood makes it look worse than it is," the nurse laughed as the Doctor and the Maitlands breathed a sigh of releif. Gorge went up first and stroked the hair behind her ears. Artie and Angie came up behind him staring from behind. Clara had a few cuts and bruises, especially one across the collor bone and her hospital gown made it pretty clear she had a massive bruise where her the car had hit her. The Doctor took her hand and squeezed it tight silently praying to what ever God was listerning. As if his prayers were answered as the Doctors grip loosened Clara's kept on gripping tight as her eyes flickered...


Hello see I told you I'd update haha! Thanks for all the votes I feel loved! More tomorrow :)

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