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Clara was lounging on the Maitland's sofa flicking through the TV channels. She was covered in three layers of blankets, had two boxes of Kleenex at her side and an empty, cold cup of tea in one hand. She'd woke up that morning with the cold/flu bug thing but convinced Mr Maitland she was fine. She'd got through half the day but after she'd collected Angie and Artie from school, Mr Maitland had taken one look at her and insisted for her to go to bed and rest for at least the rest of the week. She had tried to persuade him she was ok but a bad coughing fit was the end of that discussion. Now the whole family had gone out to dinner, partly because it was Angie's 15th birthday in two days and partly because Clara usually cooked for them. She'd even had to text the Doctor telling him not to come to hers on Wednesday. She didn't know if a human cold was dangerous to time lords but she didn't want to take that chance. She finally decided to watch countdown and settled deeper into her blankets falling asleep... Suddenly she was awoken by a loud rapping at the door. She rolled her eyes deciding wether to answer it... Then it knocked again. 'It must be important' she thought 'and it better be to drag her in this state!' She looked at herself in the mirror as she walked past it. She looked a mess. Her hair was knotted and she had beads of sweat on her forehead even though she was shivering. Her Winnie the Pooh pj's were too short for her but at least her make up hadn't run... She took the keys from the hook and opened the door to see a bunch of flowers in her face. They moved slowly to reveal the Doctor.

"Hey coldy Clara!" he said grinning.

"Coldy Clara?" Clara rasped out in return.

"Hmm that's a rubbish nickname forget that I'll think of something better," he said as he walked in. Clara stopped him and pointed to his feet. After the Doctor had taken his shoes off they walked into the living room. The Doctor looked around and soon spotted the empty cup of tea. "D'ya want me to make you some more?" he asked Clara as she collapsed on the sofa again.

"Yes please," she croaked in reply holding her throat for some comfort.

"On it," the Doctor said kissing her lightly on the forehead and going into the kitchen. Clara could hear him sliding about in his socks. A smile grew on her face. She was glad the Doctor was here. He always managed to make her brighten up and it didn't matter if they were in danger or not. Soon the Doctor returned with a steaming cup of tea. Clara took a gulp immedianlty spitting it out trying to fan her tongue.

"Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!" Clara cried weakly as the Doctor took it from her.

"Sorry!" he apologised as he ran out the room. He reappeared in a couple of seconds with the same cup of tea. "I added some cold," he explained. Clara took a sip and another whilst the Doctor sat beside her watching countdown.

"And so here are your letters GMANAAR and your time begins... Now!" the presenter boomed.

"Anagram," the Doctor said without a second thought. Clara looked at him and he just smiled.

"How d'ya do that?" she asked bewildered.

"I don't know and hey your voice it coming back," he smiled.

"Oh yeah!" she said noticing. "What did you put in that tea?"

"Teabag, desert spoon of sugar, milk, water and a bit of nutmeg,"

"Nutmeg? Do we even have nutmeg?"


"Oh I never realised when did I buy that then?.."


"Sorry what?"

"The year 1997,"

"I know that bit but do you mean to say that that nutmeg is..."

"16 years out of date yes,"

"Yuck!" Clara said sticking her already burnt tongue out.

"It worked though didn't it?" the Doctor asked.

"I suppose..." Clara said putting the cup down anyway though. They sat in silence for a while with Clara nuzzled into the Doctors shoulder as he started flicking channels. He finally stopped on spring watch where they were planting tomatoes.

"So where are the Maitlands then?" he asked.

"Out for dinner,"

"Ahhh. Want some food? he asked suddenly as his own tummy rumbled.

"Nah I'm not hungry..."

"Not even some of my own homemade soup?"

"No I'm feeling hot anyway..."

"Ice cream?"

"That would be nice if Artie hadn't finished it off yesterday..." Clara pondered.

"Hold on," the Doctor said as he raced out the door again. It was seconds before a knock came. Clara went to open it and outside the door was the Doctor holding three tubs of ice cream and two spoons. "Can I come in?" he asked as Clara let him. He kicked off his shoes and they jumped back on the sofa together opening the first tub. They ate ice cream whilst watching baby lambs being born. Suddenly the Doctor sneezed.

"Are you getting my cold Doctor?" Clara asked knowing this would happen.

"Oh well," he said sniffing as Clara passed him a tissue. "It was worth it,"

At nine when the Maitlands came back they found Clara and the Doctor asleep on the sofa, curled up in each other under the blankets with three empty tubs of ice cream beside them...


Aww fluffy mc fluff balls and that's all I have to say! Please comment/vote!!! Means a lot I'm so happy with all the followers/faves/reviews keep em coming!! Ha x

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