Animal part 2

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Animal part 2

Clara screamed and cried as the monster dragged her deeper into the forrest. With every step Clara felt as if her dress was going to rip from underneath her as the monster snapped on it to keep is grip on her. Suddenly it screeched to a halt throwing Clara into a bush as a sharp twig caught her face. She instinctively put up her hand to find blood trickling down her cheek. That was the least of her worries though as she turned to the monster. It was a sort of werewolf but too gangly. Covered in hair but it's head was too big for the rest of its body and it's legs were spread out too far as if it couldn't control them. It looked back at Clara almost apologetically as it came closer and closer...


The Doctor tried to follow Clara but the pain held him back making him gasp. He shuddered as he felt the cells in his body changing then bursting under the force of his history. If this carried on any longer he would die. He needed the werewolf to be killed before he would be let go but he didn't have to strength and as he fell to his knees he called out,

"Clara,"... because it was up to her now...


Clara screamed and closed her eyes tight as the monster breathed close to her face. Instead of feeling the sharp pain of teeth though, she gasped as she felt its wet nose and snout nuzzle underneath her and help pull her up. She sprung up panicked and brushed her dress off feeling for the tooth marks on the back. The monster sighed and prowled around on the ground obviously upset about something. Clara tried to go near it but it backed away scared.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not gunna hurt you," she soothed her voice breaking in fright herself. The monster softened as she stroked its matted hair carefully. It wriggled under her grasp but soon became comfortable in her arms as she breathed deeply. It stank but it's whining somehow made Clara's heart melt. "Shhhhhh," she soothed. It wasn't here to hurt her but just scared. Well not the monster but the girl. "What's your name?" Clara asked knowing she wouldn't get an answer. To her surprise though the monster picked itself up and trudged over to an empty patch of soil and used its claw to etch into the ground. "A... N," Clara began trying to decipher the message. "G.. F no no E, L. Angel... Is that your name? Angel?" the monster nodded glumly. "It's a lovely name. I'm Clara and my friend. He's the Doctor. We have to help him. Can you take me to him?" Angel nodded again but wearily this time backing away from Clara and running. "Hey wait!" Clara cried after it running in the direction it had darted off to.


It was a good while before Clara found Angel again. She was sitting mournfully "What's up?" Clara asked but with no noticeable reply. "What? Don't you want to save him? No, no of corse you don't because otherwise you'll die won't you? Is that right?" Clara asked. Angel whined pitifully but Clara persisted. "What's the use staying here? Hey, the Doctor can help," Angle thought for a moment looking round. "You cant go back there can you? Not now. Please help me," Clara said trying to be convincing. She sat down next to Angel and sighed. "Im not from round here either y'know and i don't have anywhere to go like you but the Doctor can take me home and he can help you find somewhere too. Maybe even reverse whats happened to you. Would you like that?" Angel nodded before lifting Clara up onto her back. "Thank you," Clara whispered into Angels ear as she set off back in the direction she'd just run from.


The Doctor was still writhing in agony on the forrest floor. He was surprised that he hadn't changed yet but the pain was overtaking him. It was seeping through him throughout every pore. He closed his eyes hoping for some relief when noises filled his ears. Lots of noise all at once. Footsteps and voices of soldiers, padded feet, a shout from a familiar voice and then a gun shot. Crying out and a thud. The Doctors eyes shot open to see the werewolf on the ground writhing with blood seeping out of its torso Clara was on the other side of him thrown by the force of the falling creature but nevertheless getting up again and then the others. Ordinary people with guns still poised at the dying creature.

"Angel?!" Clara cried from the other side of the closing she ran up to the creature crying with hatred as she ran past the time lord. The changing in the Doctors body had suddenly gone as he realised the creature had been killed. The Doctor got up to addressing the men.

"What did you do that for? It was scared!" he cried as he joined Clara next to the werewolf. Clara was upset, crying over it and stroking it soothingly "We can't do anything, I'm sorry," he sympathised as he pulled out his sonic screwdriver and buzzed it over the creature. It stopped writhing and became still in Clara's arms.

"Is she..." she asked.

"Yes she's gone. Painless and peacefully. It didn't feel a thing,"

"It was a she Doctor, Angel... And I promised..." Clara said annoyed in herself

"Hey, hey it wasn't your fault," the Doctor replied as a light took over Angels body. Clara scooted back as a light overtook Angel and left the sixteen year old girl behind. One shot mark left in her stomach as the men behind them gasped in horror.

"See what you did there? You killed a girl. A schoolgirl at that. You happy?" the Doctor shouted back at the men. They gave looks of pure confusion and horror back as they realised what they had done. "She has a family and a job, a home and now your going to have to explain that to her parents. The legends over..."

"And it ended with an Angel," Clara finished.


This really didn't have a happy ending did it? Ohhh I'm sorry ill make the next one fun ;) more tomorrow

The Chin and the Impossible GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora