Broken ankle part 1

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Broken ankle part 1

"Oi! Clara! Watch where your going with- mind it!" the Doctor cried as Clara made her way around him with a cup of tea, a plate of biscuits and a spanner. The Doctor had broken one of the 'very important buttons' on the TARDIS console and was now trying to fix it with Clara's aid. He'd been working non-stop for two hours now and Clara had been bringing in refreshments which instead of refreshing, they seemed to be agitating both of them even more.

"Get off my case! Your the one who wanted custard creams!" Clara cried back stiffly in reply.

"Not in my face I didn't!" the Doctor retorted swatting the plate out of his way.

"Well I don't know where else you'd stick buscuits!" Clara mumbled loud enough for the Doctor to hear. He shot her a tired smile as she pretended to be annoyed with him. Suddenly as the TARDIS lurched Clara's arm shot upwards, with the tray, in order to try and keep her balence. The Doctor fell back into her knocking the teapot over and sending the tea dripping onto the floor. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Clara exclaimed blowing gently on her fingers where the hot tea had scalded her. As quickly as the TARDIS had began lurching it suddenly stopped as Clara half dropped the tray onto the console getting crumbs everywhere. The Doctor hissed in annoyance as Clara ran out. "Sorry!" she called behind her. "I'll mop that up give me a sec," As she disappeared from sight the Doctor focused back on the TARDIS apologising on Clara's behalf and brushing the remainder of the crumbs off. He took the spanner from the tray and tugged at something before hitting it with the metal object. It span before coming to a slow halt a pulsing beat resonating from it. The Doctor smiled as a blue/green light came from it pulsing along with the sound. Fixed. The Doctor rubbed his hands together before eating a custard cream as a reward. He danced around the console happy after a long days work one moment he was dancing and the next on the floor a sharp, hot pain shooting up his ankle. He looked around and realised he'd slipped on the tea. Damn Clara. No it wasn't her fault, the Doctor thought. She'd only done it in his best interests. It was his fault for not looking where he was going. Gasping from the pain he dragged out his sonic screwdriver and ran it across his foot and ankle. It was defiantly broken. He dreaded it but he needed to go to hospital. Any hospital. Preferably an alien one where they didn't ask to many questions about his two hearts... He gingerly tried to stand up managing to with his broken foot off the floor. Hopping round the console he lost his footing and landed heavily on his bad foot. Crying out in agony he fell back to the floor fighting back tears. Clara ran back in with a cloth. "Found it!" she called "You have a cleaning room. Like a real, like, cleaning cupboard. Cleaning cupboard?! I mean who has one of those?.. Doctor?" she asked finally noticing the Doctors gritted teeth and awkward position.

"I slipped," he said gasping bluntly. "Ankle, slightly if not defiantly broken..." he continued as Clara knelt down beside him.

"Doctor? Are you ok? Wait! I have an idea. Hold on," she said running out again. The Doctor breathed out heavily trying to control the pain, missing Clara already. She was back fairly soon though armed with two fold up chairs, a couple of packs of frozen peas, the rest of the packet of custard creams and her teddy Mr Watsit. "Right we need to get you off to hospital right? So come on let's get you comfortable. She opened on of the chairs facing inwards and the other chair opposite placing the peas on it. She dumped the other stuff on the floor and helped the Doctor onto one of the chairs, lifting his bad leg up onto the peas, ignoring the hissing and occasional swearing in a different languages. She then put the buscuits and the teddy on his lap. "Right so hospital lets see, how do you work this thing then?" Clara asked hands on hips as the Doctor momentarily forgot his pain as he stared at her.

"You? Flying the TARDIS?!" the Doctor asked confused and slightly worried.

"Yes! Now tell me what to do!" Clara replied seriously.

"But..! It's the TARDIS! It doesn't even like you!" the Doctor said as Clara's hand hovered over the self destruct button.

"So this one then?" Clara said playfully.

"No! The blue spinny thing, twirl it three times to the left- no your left! Yes that's it now twisty thing. No not that one the blue- yes just once. Green button, press it and lever, yep pull that and were off!" the Doctor instructed at Clara skipped ran past the console, missing the spilt tea.

"There you go I can ride a TARDIS!" Clara cried happily. The Doctor grinned wildly.

"We did! Together," he said as the TARDIS landed. "Right hospital! Only a short stop. If I have these coordinates right then this hospital is very efficient especially in my department!" the Doctor laughted. He spotted Clara though at the console looking away from him. "Clara?" he asked expectantly. She turned around to face him her eyes red rimmed. "Clara?" he asked again worried.

"This, this whole thing is my fault. I'm sorry Doctor I was just trying to help... I ended up being a nuisance," she said apologeticly.

"Hey come here," the Doctor said as she went to his side hugging him. "It was my fault as much as yours and look you flew a TARDIS! So hey don't beat yourself up about this and let's go and get my foot fixed! I want to run!"


This didn't upload yesterday oh no!!!! Stupid Wattpad urugh! Short I know but I've just been to see West Side Story yay! Ok night I'm shattered! Ha x

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