Forgetting part 2

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Forgetting part 2

The Doctor found Clara not too far away sobbing on the TARDIS floor. He knelt down beside her not knowing what to say. He didn't need to though as she started to speak.

"I do know you..." she started. "But I have no idea who you could be... Your important I know that but I could just walk away from you now and never look back and I wouldn't care at the moment... I mean I have a life right? Please still tell me I have my normal life with Angie and Artie as well?"

"Yes of corse," the Doctor replied.

"Well then there's nothing stopping me. For I know you could be kidnapping me, you could have been the one who knocked me out, made all of this stuff happen to me!" Clara said screaming at him. He backed away slightly. "Your not though I know your not... I trust you too much and I hate it, I hate not knowing what's happening! I'm not... It feels as if I'm not in control of my mind. It's making decisions for me..."

"That will be the-" the Doctor started before he was cut off.

"No don't even start to give me any of that!" Clara shouted standing up over the Doctor. "All that 'doctor' nonsense! I hate it because You. Have. No. Idea. What's going on inside her? My brain?! Whatever diagnostic you can give me will never be enough because its not going to do me any good now! Who the HELL are you?!" Clara asked before collapsing to the floor sobbing again. The Doctor got up and calmly walked away, returning with a book.

"Look I may not be able to do the 'doctor' thing on you but I need to make sure that no long term damage has gone on. So yes I'm going to scan you but it's not going to hurt ok?" the Doctor said pulling out his sonic screwdriver. He went to scan Clara but she pushed it out of her way.

"What is that thing?" she asked brushing her tears away.

"A very cool gadget called a sonic screwdriver. You should be able to recognise it..." the Doctor said as Clara let him run it over her.

"Why am I trusting you?" she asked softly. "I should be running away from you. I don't know who you are. I don't know where I am. I don't know what I'm doing. Ha!" Clara said laughing half heartedly.

"I don't know why your trusting me frankly but it's a good sign," he said smiling back at her. "Your scan shows your fine no long term damage so good but it doesn't get me any closer to find out why you've lost your memory of why you've lost such a massive chunk... It should all come back though but I'm going to be honest and say right now that its going to hurt. A lot," the Doctor explained.

"Good I think?" Clara asked laughing again. "What's the book?" she asked.

"Just some of the adventures we've been on. Like a scrapbook," the Doctor said sitting down next to her in the corridor.

"Ok then time lord," Clara said.

"You called me time lord," the Doctor noted.

"Did I? Why?" Clara asked getting slightly nervous.

"Because your hopefully remembering..." the Doctor said. "Anyway. You and me we travel a lot. We fly, walk, bike-"

"Run," Clara suggested.

"Oh yes a lot of that!" the Doctor said grinning. "I come and pick you up from your home every Wednesday and drop you off on the Wednesday evening. You enjoy Wednesdays," he said with a wink.

"You," she said looking at him for an answer.

"I love every second of it!" the Doctor cried. "We save worlds and people a lot,"

"Clever," Clara noted.

"We are," the Doctor replied. "And your a human so you come in useful! I'm a-"

"Boy," Clara said, not really knowing where this was going.

"Well kind of... Yes I'm a boy but I'm not human. I'm an alien called a time lord. We control time,"

"And," Clara said almost expectantly.

"We're also very clever," the Doctor said modestly. "Oh Clara if only you could remember..."

"Remember," Clara said thoughtfully as the Doctor nodded. Clara suddenly put her hands up to her head as if she was in pain. The Doctor thought for a moment.

"Clara, repeat the last six word you just said..." he asked.

"What?!" Clara cried obviously in pain.

"Just do it!" the Doctor cried back as Clara thought.

"Run... you clever... boy... and remember... AHHHHH! she screamed as her head felt as if it was about to explode. "What's... happerning to me?" she asked.

"You remembering but don't panic it's ok I've got you..." the Doctor said grabbing Clara by the shoulders.

"Doctor... I'm panicking..." Clara said her voice a horse whisper. She began to shake violently as memories filled her mind. The moment they first met, the snog box and travelling round the universe. Cybermen and Ice Warriors and the TARDIS. All these thoughts consumed her mind as it burnt. She could feel hands protecting her as she blacked out. One thought on her mind. Run you clever boy and remember...


The Doctor knocked on the Maitland's door carrying Clara. This reminded him too much of Donna but he shrugged that feeling aside. Clara wasn't gone she was still very much there and part of his life. She needed some normality though the Doctor had decided and so instead of let her recover in the TARDIS he'd thought he would take her home. The door suddenly opened and Angie answered it with the bored teenage expression on her face. She took one look at Clara though and that expression was gone.

"Dad!" she called as the familiar voice of Gorge Maitland ran through the house.

"If its cold callers say no!" he cried back.

"It's Clara," Angie replied.

"Let her in then!" Gorge cried back.

"Dad she's fainted!" Angie called as a chair could be heard scraping and then quick footsteps racing to the front door. Gorge looked at the sleeping Clara in the Doctors arms.

"Clara?" he asked.


After Clara had been placed into bed the Doctor told Gorge everything that had happened. He excepted it thanking the Doctor for saving her and sending Angie to make a cup of tea and get some biscuits. The Doctor was halfway though his seventh Jammie Dodger when Clara appeared in the doorway rubbing her eyes. She took on look at the Doctor and burst into tears, running up to him and hugging him tightly.

"That is just soppy! Ask her out already!" Angie cried earning a glare from her dad. She rolled her eyes and picked up a magazine.

"I'm so glad to see you!" she cried. "By the way you don't really fancy me do you?" she whispered.

"Oh God no! I mean your lovely but you smell of lavender. I hate lavender..." the Doctor muttered.

"Thanks..." Clara said laughing slightly. "You smell of furniture polish..." she noted.

"I don't even use furniture polish!" the Doctor cried.


Ahhhhh hi guys I have like one eye that's really really stinging and so all the way though writing this I haven't stopped crying through my right eye! Hmmmm damn! Oh well. Night x

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