High altitude

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High altitude

"Don't worry Clara, LA is looking nice today. Nice and sunny Clara. Why don't you wear your high heels Clara? Y'know the black ones Clara. They look very nice on you Clara. Don't worry we'll be fine Clara. I wasn't planning on climbing any mountains today Clara!" Clara muttered to herself annoyed, as she tripped over a rock for the fourth time that minute.

"Would you knock it off?!" the Doctor retorted turning back down to Clara.

"No," she replied adamantly " I won't it's your fault anyway.

"How was I to remember that the TARDIS didn't like Marilyn Monroe?"

"I don't know, I thought you knew everything about her!"

"I do... I just forgot,"

"You forgot that when the TARDIS saw Marilyn Monroe it would faze out of time and on the top of a mountain in the Swiss Alps?!"

"No, now I didn't know it would do that,"

"So you don't know everything about her then?"

"No... well I... oh shut up!" the Doctor said realising he'd been beaten. Clara laughed. Silence eventually fell between the two and the only sounds that were heard were the occasional grunts when each of their footings came loose and they slipped. Soon they reached a smooth ledge like area and the Doctor helped her get up onto it as she was shorter than he was by at least a foot. As his hand brush against her body he laughed awkwardly and looked upwards as he was treated by a pleasant sight. The TARDIS's blue light was in clear view now and the Doctor smiled lightly. "Look! See not far off now!" he chirped happily when he noticed something very wrong with Clara. She was breathing heavily like she was struggling for breath. "Clara what's the matter?" he asked as she frowned at him.

"I don't know... it's like I'm out of breath. It's the high altitude isn't it?" she replied.

"Yeah, hey why don't you sit down?" the Doctor asked concerned for her. He didn't usually get that sort of thing, having two hearts, but she looked exhausted as well.

"So why can't you get the... TARDIS to collect us... from here?" Clara asked between gulping breaths.

"This smooth ledgy bit isn't big enough and the other bit is too stony..." he replied as she looked at him funny.

"Too stony?!"

"Yes it's made out of wood and wood can chip and splinter,"

"And who... looks at the... underside?!"

"Me, yes me, Clara, I look at the underside of my TARDIS!"

"Oh my stars do... you know how weird and... slightly pervy that sounds?"

"Yes, no, stop it!" the Doctor cried beaten again. "Right ready to go again,"

"Yep!" Clara said jumping up. Too quickly. She suddenly went very dizzy as the blood rushed from her head and her eyesight started blurring and getting stopped by a brown fuzzy light that seemed to come from the inside of her brain. She cried out as she clutched her head and the Doctor just managed to catch her before she collapsed into him. He stayed there for a minuet holding the tiny girl in his arms. He could feel her ribs from underneath her dress, even the tiny amount of puppy fat that surrounded her torso... 'Stop it!' he told himself thinking of a plan. He laid her down gently and wrapped his coat of her. She had suddenly gone very pale... the Doctor whisked out his sonic screwdriver and changed the setting for it a bit before running it down Clara's body. She'd fainted from lack of blood to the brain because of standing up to quickly. Apparently she need to drink and stop doing strenuous exercise. The Doctor looked up at the steep mountain they were currently climbing.

"Hmmm tough luck Clara" he muttered as she heard a murmur from beneath him. Clara opened one eye slowly and took in her surroundings trying to remember what had happened previously.

"I'm on the floor," Clara began.

"Yes, oh yes you fainted,"

"Any particular reason?"

"Ah yes you stood up too quickly."

"Ow my head,"

"Fancy going for a stroll?"

"You what?"

"A stroll! The fresh air will do you good! the Doctor said enthusiastically. Clara looked up at the mountain.

"Do you have any idea how much my head is pounding?"

"Well what do you propose then? the Doctor asked pretty sure he had won this one.

"Piggyback?" Clara asked staring up at him with her light brown eyes. He'd lost. Again.


Awwww not as hard core this time more fluffy I think :) hope you liked it please comment! I took the dizzy/getting up too quickly stuff from me cause I get it all the time and it's such a pain!

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