Creature part 2

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Creature part 2

The creature watched as Clara's eyes slid shut. A pool of blood was stretching from her torso to the middle of her ribcage already, turning her blue dress a dark purple. It's smiled but its smile was short lived. A loud, high pitched whirring noise suddenly came out of no where making the creature scream. Looking down it noticed that it was the one making the squealing noise, pressing down on the Doctors sonic screwdriver. It dropped it quickly hissing and shaking its head. The Doctor couldn't be taking over again. It was impossible. "Oi! Don't drop that! Do you know how long that takes to fix?!" the Doctors voice said from inside the creature.

"No!" it snarled picking up the carving knife.

"Ah, ah, ah!" it said as the Doctor. "You can't kill me cause you wouldn't have anywhere to go. Unless Clara was here... Get out Clara!" the Doctor called from inside the creature. He didn't know what had happened...

"Make me!" the creature said defiantly.

"Fine!" the Doctor said as he picked up his 'thought torch'.

"What are you going to do with that?" the creature asked puzzled.

"Well the funny thing is, is that you thought it was a torch!" the Doctor said simply hitting himself and the creature inside him with it. They both screamed as an electric shock pulsed its way through them. The pain was unbearable for the creature. It tore out of the Doctors body leaving him stumbling against the workshop desk. "Wait!" the Doctor called as its silhouette faded and fuzzed out. The Doctor sighed as he scanned around the room. It had gone. Thank God. "Clara?" he suddenly called out remembering her. He noticed the bloody carving knife on the side with drips of the stuff leading towards the blood soaked Clara. "Clara..." he breathed taking in what he thought he was seeing. He ran over to her turning her onto her side as her eyes shot open, panicked as she took a breath. Then she started screaming. Her screams seemed to rip the air and as they hurt her she screamed more. The Doctor felt helpless and scared. She wouldn't stop but every time she let out a scream the Doctor could see that she was pushing out more blood. The Doctor thought for a few seconds before reaching and grabbing her, picking her up as she screamed in pain. A sickening scream that shook the Doctor to the core. He ran with her in his arms as her eyes fluttered again, fainting from exhaustion and pain. She was losing colour as well, turning a pale white colour. The Doctor half dropped her half laid her on the ground of the console room before setting the TARDIS into action.


Tick tock. Tick tock.

The Doctor had been waiting for over three hours. He'd landed the TARDIS in an English hospital as soon as someone had spotted him, Clara was taken and he'd been waiting ever since.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

He hasn't even bothered to change out of his blood soaked suit. He should have really but he didn't want to miss a nurse if she came along with news about Clara.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

It was his fault. He'd stabbed her. Yes he'd been taken over but the blood still coated his hands. He was like the Lady Macbeth. Her victim hasn't made it... Clara was. She had to...

Tick tock. Tick tock.

How long had she been lying there? On the TARDIS ground. In pain. Why had it taken him so long to get free of that creature?! She would be terrified of him right now...

Tick tock. Tick tock.

A nurse walked in to a waiting room and called for the Doctor. He went obediently the suspense killing him as he twiddled with his thumbs impatiently. She pulled him into a room and sat him down across from her.

"Right... Doctor," she said looking at him uncertainly. The Doctor couldn't care less. "I should think you would want to know what's going on so for a start let me tell you that at the moment Clara is stable," she explained. The Doctor sighed in relief as she continued. "She had a small incision that was in the lower left abs. It went through a small vein, hence the exaggeration of pain and the loss of blood. She is asleep at the moment and I wouldn't expect her to wake up for at least a day and even then I wouldn't expect her to remember anything," she said as the Doctor sighed for the second time. "She will need extra surgery but that will go on after she's been awake for a while. Tell me though Doctor, this case has been most unusual... what exactly happened?" The Doctor paused before answering, the next answer deciding what happened next.

"I don't know..." the Doctor lied. The cowards way out but then again who would believe the truth?..


Ok so I didn't kill her off although I will do one day ha! Thanks for all the votes you make me happyyyyy! X

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