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Summer was in full bloom and the Doctor loved the flowers. Clara thought this was a bit gay to be frank but she went along with it for a bit of peace. They were walking through the gardens of Hiltonal when Clara spotted a bee buzzing around in some purple lily like flowers. "Doctor?" she asked unfazed by the buzzing creature.

"Yeah?" he replied sniffing yellow and blue spotted roses.

"Bees," she said simply walking over to him. "On an alien planet..."

"And you don't think you get bees from anywhere else?!" the Doctor said slightly outraged. "Think outside the box!" he said tapping her on the head. She sighed.

"But bees! Why not, I don't know, cows?!" Clara said as the Doctor walked over to some other flowers.

"Cows?! That's absurd! And bees aren't that bad, I mean they have there own planet..." the Doctor said putting a green flower up to his jacket. "Do you think greens my colour? I miss having a product fron the ground in my jacket pocket..."

"There own planet?!" Clara exclaimed ignoring the Doctors question.

"Yes! Now you don't see cows having their own planet do you?" the Doctor said "Cows are too-" he started but stopped apruptly. He faces paled slightly as Clara nudged him.

"Doctor? Doctor?!" Clara asked nudging him more.

"TARDIS," he said "Now,"

"Doctor?" Clara questioned as the Doctor started dragging her towards the blue box. She noticed his walking, jagged and unstable as he bent over, teeth gritted in pain. "Doctor?!" she said panicked as he half fell on the TARDIS doors, fumbling with the keys, trying to unlock the door.

"Look at the bees..." he managed to splutter in considerable pain. Clara looked but failed to spot anything unusual.

"What do you mean Doctor? Bees are bees," she said confused and rushed.

"Look at all of them Clara, every single one," the Doctor said crying out in exasperation as the key jammed in the lock. Clara looked again and as well as the common bees she'd seen in England there were also ones with a slight blue tint around the legs. The black stripes were also darker and the yellow a very pale shade. They looked slightly evil... Suddenly the door gave in and the Doctor burst through it clutching his throat as Clara followed him inside trying to comfort him as he pushed her away.

"Doctor what do I do?!" Clara said hating seeing him in so much pain.

"The bees. What did you notice about the bees? Aragh!" he said screaming as he fell to his knees. Clara got down to his level not knowing what to do.

"Emm, some were different colours, just slightly,"

"Yes they were the natives,"

"And the others?"

"Your bees from your contr-arghhhhh oh oh oh ow!" the Doctor said writhing around out of Clara's grip.

"What like the squirrels?" Clara asked trying to make sense of the conversation.

"Ahhhh oh ow! Yes, yes, just like the squirrels. Your ones were taking over. I thought all the natives had gone... Ah ah ah aragh! I guess not!" the Doctor convulsed and as he did his shirt came down a bit to reveal a bright blue string on his neak. There were yellow pus like trails growing down from it which made Clara gag at first.

"Doctor? What's happening to you? Please tell me." Clara asked frightened now. She had no idea what to do and the Doctor was getting worse by the minute.

"I'm, aragh, allergic..." he replied when suddenly he sat up frantically feeling his chest. "No, no, no, no! Ahhhh ow aragh!"

"Doctor?" Clara cried understanding the seriousness of the situation.

"Oh one hearts gone, agai-aghh. Y'know I never really remember how much pain- ai ai ow, this is for me but its agon- aragh!" he said half screaming out in pain. Clara started crying as she felt his pain, feeling helpless.

"I don't know what to do?! Please tell me Doctor, what do I do?!" Clara said tears streaming down her face.

"Sick bay... blue vile... Aghh... quickly because I can't... ow ow ow... breath," he replied, now clutching at his throat which was turning slightly red and scratchy looking. Clara run full speed down a couple of corridors before reaching the sick bay. She scanned round opening a few corridors before finally finding a small dad blue vile. She ran back and in her haste took a wrong turning but the TARDIS directed her back to where the console was. She knew something was wrong before she had even reached the Doctor. He wasnt spluttering, screaming, he wasnt making a sound...

"Doctor!" Clara screamed kneeling beside him. His face was very pale and his lips a deathly blue. Judging by the look of him he wasn't breathing and so as a last attempt the opened his lips and poured the blue contents in. "Please, please, please, please," she prayed, hoping that he would swallow at least some of it. He stayed very still and unmoving thought as she cried silently into his shirt. She heard a heartbeat but it was fading slowly. She sobbed as it got fainter and fainter, as she fell asleep...


Clara woke up to the sound of spitting. She opened one eye to find the Doctor sat up spitting out the blue liquid.

"The whole vile?! I'll have to buy some more now! Do you know how much this stuff costs?!" he exclaimed holding up the tiny bottle. The Doctor didn't have time to carry on with his rant before Clara was hugging him tight. "Hey, hey Clara it's ok now, I'm ok now, thanks to you,"

"Are you all better now? Both hearts working and everything?" Clara asked looking down at him, realising she was still sitting on him.

"Yes all working now I had to get the TARDIS to give me a small electric shock and it came back to life. I should do it more often I think, the electric shock I mean," he replied. "Where now Clara Oswald?" He asked as the both stood up.

"No where with flowers please," she asked still shaken up from the previous events.

"Ok, how about a planet with no flowers at all ever?" the Doctor asked as Clara nodded. So he threw down the leaver and hugging Clara tightly off they went...


Cheesy ending but does it look like I'm bothered?! ;) Ohhhhh you can't see.. ;) haha. HAPPY EASTER by the way!!!!! I'm off to get fat :D

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