Phychic technology

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Psychic technology

"Well apparently there's an alien object in this room..." the Doctor said scanning around the console.

"But we haven't brought anything in," Clara said confused as she started looking as well.

"We y'know this and that sometimes comes through. Bits of debris, alien creatures, maps to find hidden treasure-" the Doctor said vaguely.

"You what?!" Clara said worried by the alien creature part. "Aliens can fall into the TARDIS just like that?!"

"Ah... did I say alien creatures? I meant alien technology... obviously," the Doctor said untruthfully.

"Yeah... right!" Clara said giving him a wink. "Don't worry I'm not worried! That much... What am I looking for anyway?" she asked realising at the moment she was just looking around the TARDIS for nothing in particular.

"I don't know," the Doctor admitted.

"Brilliant(!)" Clara mutter slightly annoyed that she was on her knees when they could be travelling. "Can't we just do a scan for it?"

"Are you always looking for the easy way out?" the Doctor scolded with a grin.

"Well anything to get out there!" she replied with a twirl. "I want to see new planets! New worlds!"

"No, we can't find the objects direct location with a scan. The TARDIS knows there's something in here but not where," the Doctor stated. "We're gunna have to find it manually,"

"Right... good-o, lets get started then!" Clara said going to the opposite side of the room to the Doctor and bending down to search there.

"Well I started ten minuets ago..." the Doctor muttered playfully.

"Shut it you!" Clara smiled. She bent down to have a look in the corner of the room when a small object glowed in her direction a little way away from her. She crawled over to it half expecting it to produce some sort of creature or weapon but nothing happened. She reached over to grab it when a white light seem to rise up from it and engulf the room. Clara screamed as she scooted backwards the white light blinding her and forcing her to close her eyes. When she opened them again she was in exactly the same place as before but something had seemed to have changed. She could hear the Doctor and as she stood up she focused on his voice trying to catch what he was saying. It was as if she wasn't really there.

"So where abouts are we going?" he asked as a familiar voice answered.

"Ohh I don't know I said wherever I fancied so I guess... Wherever I fancy!"

"This is why we can't use alien tech," the Doctor replied to the familiar voice.

"You were the one who asked me to help find it for you!"

"Clara, Clara, Clara. Finding does not mean using! Who know what might have happened?!" the Doctor said in the voice he always spoke to her in. Clara spun around on hearing her name but the Doctor didn't seem to be talking to her. It didn't look like he could even see her.

"I swear I only reached across for it!"

"I know and I believe you but thank goodness you didn't see anything too revealing into the future. I lost two of my best friends because they looked into the future. I'm not going to lose you," the Doctor said holding the same technology as Clara had found, up to the light. It suddenly dawned on her who the Doctor was talking to as she ran to see. Clara gasped as she saw herself reply.

"So have you seen this sort of thing before?" her future self asked.

"No they looked ahead in a book," the Doctor replied.

"A book! That's ingenious! Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean-" her future self said as Clara mentally kicked herself for her own stupidity.

"Don't worry eh, now new planet? Wherever you fancy?" the Doctor said cheery once again. He was about to press down on the lever when a monster about the size of a wolf suddenly entered the room baring its yellow teeth.

"Doctor?!" both Clara and her future self screamed as the Doctor stepped forward brandishing his sonic screwdriver.

"Is this the alien creature you warned me about?!" Clara's future self cried.

"Apparently so!" the Doctor replied grinning.

"Are you enjoying this?" the future Clara asked.

"Yes!" the Doctor said grinning even more wildly. "Wait I can fix it!"

"Good!" Clara's future self said slightly unsure of the Doctors promise. He pressed buttons and levers as the wolf like monster advanced on them both. Clara hid behind her future self. She would probably need more deodorant after this... Suddenly the Doctor clicked his fingers as the door opened up on a grassy field. A tennis ball appeared from the main console as the Doctor grabbed it with one hand.

"You want this?" he called to the monster. It perked up and watched as the Doctor tossed the green ball between his hands. "Come and get it!" he shouted throwing it out into the field. The monster immediately follow as he clicked his fingers and the doors shut again. "Back to its home planet!" he finished with a grin as the white light resumed and Clara was forced to close her eyes again. As soon as it was over she opened them revelling herself to be back where she was before she had even found the alien object.

"Clara? Clara?" the Doctor said as she turned to look at him. He was holding the alien object in one hand. "Are you ok?"

"What?.. What happened?" Clara asked slightly dazed.

"I don't know one moment you were talking with me the next you'd gone silent. I found you still, not moving, not responding, with this clutched in your hand," the Doctor explained holding up the alien object. "The moment I took it away from you, you started to wake up,"

"I saw... I saw," Clara began trying to focus her thoughts.

"Hey, hey, don't worry,"

"No, no I saw you and me from the future,"

"The future? What did you see, what did you-"

"Nothing important don't worry. You were, you were taking me wherever I wanted!" Clara replied slowly with a grin.

"Oh dear... Now y'see only you could think up a psychic scene like that..."

"Oh and y'know you were saying about alien creatures..."


"Bit of advice... get a tennis ball..."


More tomorrow x

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