Clara's nightmare

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Clara's Nightmare

Clara was running for her life. A monster called an Arthotrax had been chasing her for the past five minutes as they played a terrifying game of hide and seek. The Doctor was right behind her as they pelted it into the TARDIS. Clara waited for the Doctor to come in but as she turned she noticed the half eaten, bloody figure of him lodged in the Arthotrax's mouth. She gagged as she slammed the door behind her. She fell to her knees sobbing as she looked around her. It was the normal TARDIS console but there was something different about it... Clara didn't dwell on that though. She stood up ignoring the gory noises coming from outside and walked up to the main controls, her head swimming. Then she noticed the walls around her change and swell as they were replaced by the grotesque face of the Arthotrax. She screamed as she ran to the nearest corridor entrance. It was suddenly blocked by an Arthotrax as it laughed evilly at her. She ran back only to come face to face with another and another... She screamed as they all merged into one which seemed to surround her. Her eyes darted, scared as the Arthotrax picked her up using it mouth. She felt some pain as the creature bit into her, puncturing the skin and letting the blood ooze and spray out of the wounds. The pain intensified as the creature ripped into her torso revealing her internal organs. She felt like she was going to be sick but she wasn't able to as she watched her slippery insides got bitten and mangled by the Arthotrax's yellow, mouldy teeth. It was about to reach her head as Clara could smell the stink. Human flesh and blood she gaged again screaming and thrashing as the Arthotrax chomped down on her head as she was greeted with a loud satisfying crack and...

Clara woke up screaming. She jolted up in bed in a cold sweat panting and crying. She tried to breath normally as her breath became ragged and hard to control. Thinking back she reassured herself it was all a dream. It felt so real though. The pain was real enough and the through of the Arthotrax eating her... It was all too much as the nausea came back in a wave. She dashed to the en-suite just in time to throw up what little she had digested that night when she heard a noise from outside.


The Doctor hadn't been sleeping. He usually never slept or when he did it was in four hour fixes. That night he was up in the console room with a book he had claimed from the library. He was trying to fix a faulty fuse whilst reading up on the cavemen in an attempt to impress Clara tomorrow when he planned to take her to that particular time era. He was in the middle of attaching a blue wire to a green one with no success when he heard the piercing scream. Clara. He ran to her room with no further thought, opening the door, sonic screwdriver in hand like an illegal weapon. He burst in only to find her bed empty. He looked around frightened before he heard retching in the bathroom. He turned on a light and looked around her room. It was TARDIS blue like his and had gold edgings Around all the furniture. The was a bed in the middle of the room with a bedside table either side. The wardrobe was on the left and the en-suite on the right. A chair stood in the middle of the room opposite and her purple floral bed sheets were ruffled. The Doctor scanned around for any sign of her when he heard a toilet flush. He went to the door of the en-suite and pushed it open gingerly to find Clara sitting next to the toilet, her face pale and lips a bright red. She had beads of sweat running down her forehead and she was shaking like a leaf. She spotted him and a little colour came back to her cheeks as he knelt down. She took no time in hugging him and sobbing into his shoulder.

"Hey, hey. What's up Clara?" the Doctor asked confused and worried. "Are you ill?" he asked as she shook her head from somewhere inside his shoulder.

"You... weren't there..." she managed to make out, making the Doctor more confused than usual.

"Weren't where?" he asked as Clara's shaking worsened.

"To save... me," she spluttered crying harder as the Doctor wrapped his jacket over her thin body.

"A nightmare," the Doctor said understanding the seriousness of her worry. She nodded again. "Hey Clara, now you listen to me. That was a dream and dreams are highly inaccurate. I would never not be there to save you and you know that. I love you Clara so please never, ever say that I left you because I couldn't leave you and..." the Doctor trailed off as he noticed the subtle rise and fall of Clara's chest as she collapsed into him from sleep deprivation. He picked her up and bridle carried her back into her bed. Sitting down in the chair he sat back. He wasn't going to leave her. Not on her own. Not tonight.


Hello readers :) Question. Should I do a Doctor's nightmare chapter? Hmmm comment what you think thanks :)

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