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Clara didn't have have time to think before a massive wave hit her, forcing all the air out of her. Gasping she got a mouthful of sea water before her head emerged above the giant wave. It soon went under again though as a ripple washed over her head. Coughing she tried to catch breaths whilst treading water. She looked around her dazed as the sea water stung her eyes and throat. People were trying to swim like her, some struggling and some grabbing nearby objects. She would save all of them if she had the chance but all she could concentrate on was keeping her head above water and breathing.


The Doctor was having the same troubles as he swam furiously. It was better for him. If he drowned then at least he'd regenerate. Then again if he regenerate he'd be killed instantly... He grabbed onto a nearby lamppost as objects rushed by him. An umbrella, deck chair even a pushchair. It was empty though. Scanning the area around him he looked out for Clara in vain and spotted the teenage girl, Alice, trying to swim but struggling.

"Alice!" he called as she whirled round and squinted spotting to him. The relief in her face was evident as she held onto the Doctors outstretched arm and hauled herself to the lamppost to. They didn't speak but there was a mutual friendship between the two as they looked out for their loved ones. Clara couldn't die here... he wouldn't lose her again...


Clara was running out of energy. The current was quickly dragging her in different directions but every time she slowed she was pushed under by the force of the water around her. Suddenly something caught her leg as she went under again. She managed to kick it free but gasped in pain. Whatever it had been it was sharp but the freezing water numbed the pain as the salt stung like hell. This gave her the adrenalin boost she needed though as she grabbed onto a traffic light, holding on for dear life. Out in the distance she saw a head bobbing.

"Doctor?" she called hopefully but as the head came up again she realised the features were too different. Then she recognised the face. It was Oscar the little boy...

"Oscar!" Clara cried as the boy turned his head slightly. He tried to swim towards her but the waves were against him and he swam with no luck. Clara crossed her toes, as her ballet pump shoes had come off within seconds of the wave hitting, and let go of the traffic light using breaststroke to swim painfully slowly towards Oscar. Suddenly he slipped under the surface again but this time didn't come up. Clara cursed silently under her breath and felt around for him. Suddenly she grabbed onto a tiny hand as she pulled upwards and saw Oscar spluttering up at her.

"Grab onto me and don't let go, got it?" she asked as Oscar nodded furiously and latched onto her shoulders. Clara half tread water and half swam back to the traffic light. It took her a while and afterwards she was exhausted but it was worth it. Clara and Oscar were safe. For now.


The Doctor was getting agitated, not being able to do anything. He'd saved a few more people and the lamppost they were all on was getting cramped. He was still looking out for Clara though and in the end it got too much for him, he felt too useless.

"Right, well I'm off, catch you around," he called to the group of people as he let go of the lamppost.

"What are you doing you'll get yourself killed?!" Alice yelled after him as he turned in the water.

"I need to find Clara and your mum if its still possible. I'll be back, promise," he replied looking Alice straight in the eye.

"I don't believe you," she stated.

"I don't believe me either!" he called back to her as he swam off.


With nothing to do, Clara had been comforting Oscar whilst looking at the water which had stopped rushing so violently and was slowly descending back into the sea. Suddenly Clara noticed a single bow tie floating in the water. No...

"Doctor," she yelled in tears.

"Yes?" came a voice from beside her. She whipped her head around to see the Doctor grinning beside her.

"But... I thought,"

"I know it's tragic isn't it? My fave bow tie as well,"

"Shut it you!" she yelled with the little breath she had as for the first time in about five minutes her feet touched the ground.


An hour later and the Doctor and Clara were wrapped in silver foil blankets in a school hall. Clara didn't dare look outside. It was a mass of drowned corpses and broken buildings. Doctors and nurses injected the two with heat, which immediately warmed them up.

"Is this what's going to happen then?" Clara asked her eyes fixated foreword.

"What do you mean," the Doctor asked equally as glum.

"A tsunami in Brighton? In 2034 did you say?" Clara asked turning to him.

"Yeah 2034. I don't know to be honest," he replied. Both of their eyes went to Oscar and Alice. Oscar had been put on IV and was on a portable bed with Alice beside him. Their mum was reported dead along with the hundreds of others. 25,000 people had been reported dead so far with approximately 1,600 people missing and 7,640 people injured including Clara. The tsunami had only lasted 12 minutes.

"I... just... sorry it's just so... real," Clara said.

"You ok?" the Doctor asked hugging her. She nodded.

"Can't we just go backwards in time and warn everyone? Get everyone out of the town?" Clara asked knowing the answer already.

"You know that wouldn't work. Who'd believe you? And anyway sometimes the human race needs these natural disasters. Balance out the population," the Doctor replied matter of factly.

"That's horrid,"

"But true. And a side effect of time travel. Still up for it?" he asked Clara.

"Always and you know that," Clara replied honestly as they got up and began to leave the disaster strewn site.


Gosh I hope this actually doesn't happen! Ha! Well if it does you know who to blame! I did my research on this and it was really interesting! More tomorrow x

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