Car accident part 1

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Car accident

"Thank you for another thrilling adventure in time and space young Doctor!" Clara said in a mock posh British accent. The Doctor had just taken her to the Edwardian times and they had loved it so much they'd stayed in character pretty much for the rest of the day. It was five now and time the Doctor dropped Clara back home.

"The pleasure is all mine," the Doctor replied bowing low. Clara giggled. She walked to the entrance of the TARDIS and stood in the entrance of the door. Across the rood stood the Maitlands house and from a distance the Doctor could hear the beeping of a zebra crossing and see all the traffic slowing.

"Same time next week. Promptly I hope!" Clara said hands up against the TARDIS door frame blocking the Doctors exit, waiting for an answer.

"Why yes of corse young Clara!" the Doctor said pushing her slightly. "Now off you pop!" Clara stepped back just as the Doctor heard the beeping of the zebra crossing again.

"Well I don't know what that accent was but it certainly wasnt ed-" Clara began stepping backwards again and straight into the path of a car... The Doctor watched it as if it was in slow motion. Clara's cheekily happy expression turned to one of shock and pain. The horn of the car contrasted in pitch with her high pitched wailing scream as all the wind was taken out of car hit her around the torso area as she was so short and sent her flying to the ground as she crumpled inwards. The car was a small blue fiat and must have been going only 30mph, 25 when it hit Clara. It swerved to avoid running over her and stopped apruptly. The Doctor ran over to the still crying Clara.

"Clara!" The Doctor yelled kneeling beside her and trying to calm her squirming body. A young man got out of the blue car and ran over to where they were.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry. Is she ok? My daughters called an ambulance. I didn't realise she was there she must have stepped out really close to me. Oh I wasn't paying attention, I was concentrating on my daughter..." he went on as the Doctor looked over to where his car had parked. Inside was a teenage daughter on her phone staring outside worriedly and barking things into the speaker. He ignored the man and concentrated on Clara. There was a slight pool of blood emerging from her head and she was breathing raggedly.

"Clara, come on, stay with me you have to," the Doctor pleaded.

"Doctor..." she said before her face contorted in pain.

"Clara?" the Doctor asked panic rising in his voice.

"Oh... ow!" she said before screaming a bit. A crowd had started to gather on their phones too. Some sick minded students had even began to video the scene. "It hurts," Clara cried pitifully tears streaming down her face as she gasped in pain. The Doctor found himself crying to, kissing her on the forehead and stroking her hair back. "Oh, Doctor oh run you-" she started as she closed her heavy eye lids.

"No!" the Doctor cried. "Not this time! You will not die again Clara and you will not say that line!" he placed his finger across her lips as her eyes slowly shut. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no," the Doctor murmured as he pulled out his sonic screwdriver and ran it across Clara's body. She was alive. The Doctor breathed a sigh of relief but it was short lived.

"Clara?!" a voice yelled from the other side of the road. Mr Maitland had spotted her from his car and was gettin out with Angie and Artie in tow. He ran over, looking both ways, and knelt down beside the Doctor. "What's happened to her? Is she alright?" he asked worriedly.

"Broken rib, broken wrist, it's her head I'm more worried about, she could have concussion... Or worse," the Doctor stated looking at his sonic screwdriver carefully. Gorge Maitland shot him a venomous look back.

"You are the reason she's here in the first place, you, pushed her into the road!" Gorge claimed not taking his eyes off Clara, cheating her pulse as the small crowd muttered to themselves.

"No!" the Doctor protested annoyed. "I pushed her, yes but slightly! Not enought to do this! She stepped back! I would never do anything, anything like that not to Clara, her especially..."

"I saw you so don't you even try it, alright? What do you want with her anyway? Putting her in danger, nearly killing her!" Gorge yelled now his face close to the Doctors unsure one.

"But dad-" Artie started from behind him.

"I told you to go indoors! Go now the pair of you," Mr Maitland yelled at his children. They stayed though defiantly as he checked Clara up and down tapping her lightly on the cheek. "Hey, Clara, hey it's Gorge, yeah? Ok are you going to wake up for me? Clara please," he said with no achievement.

"She's going to be ok Gorge I promise," the Doctor assured him but he pushed him away feiricly.

"Don't you dare say that to me and don't you dare call me Gorge or come near my family again, weither there blood related or not," he spat in the Doctors face turning back to Clara. The Doctor sat there in a daze watching the silent Clara breathing up an down irregularly, the crowd talking amonst themselves some dispersing after the outburst, the cars backing up behind them, the young man and his daughter faces pale with shock, Artie and Angie close to tears staring shocked at their dad. After a while the wail of sirens approached them and paramedics rushed out moving the crowd, getting to Clara. They asked Gorge questions whilst loading Clara onto a backboard.

"We can only bring one other person with us," the Doctor heard the paramedic say.

"I'll stay with Artie and Angie whilst you go," the Doctor heard himself say.

"I'm not letting you put my children's life in danger as well as my wife's closest friends ok?" Gorge hissed before telling the paramedics something about meeting them there and leading his children inside. The Doctor watched the ambulance doors close as he started to cry...


Look I updated for the first time in over half a year! Haha I now WILL update every day don't worry sorry!

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