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"And off we go!" the Doctor cried pushing down the levers on the TARDIS console and grabbing onto the side as the machine whirred into action. Clara laughed as she was flung this way and that as a sudden jolt had them falling to the floor. There was a moment or two before the two of them burst out laughing. The Doctor got up and helped Clara as she brushed herself off.

"That was rough! Where are we?" Clara asked as the Doctor look at her. Clara smiled but the smile wasn't returned. Then things were made equally weird as the Doctor started speaking gibberish. It must have made some since to him though as he checked the TARDIS computer screen. "What going on?" Clara asked but the Doctor just turned and looked at her blankly. Suddenly a hologram of Clara appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello Clara," the hologram said.

"Hi," Clara replied. "I'm sorry what's going on?"

"The TARDIS seems to be phasing. All power is going to the engines and so in a last ditch attempt to save this ship and not have you burnt alive inside, the TARDIS has turned off the automatic speech translator. Have fun!" the hologram said bluntly before fizzing and vanishing.

"Brilliant, thanks(!)" Clara said bluntly before turning back to the Doctor. He was fiddling with the controls but wasn't concentrating on them. He turned back to Clara opening and shutting his mouth like a fish.

"I... think... wrong," he managed to make out pointing to the console. "Gone wrong," he made out. Clara nodded.

"Yes, gone wrong," Clara repeated.

"I... no English," the Doctor said.

"Yes," Clara said trying not to laugh. The Doctor looked at her funny.

"What? Cheese?" he asked as Clara collapsed into fits of giggles.

"Cheese?!" she asked laughing.

"Yes... No wrong?" he asked.

"Yes very wrong," she said walking off. She reappeared later on with a piece of cheese. "Cheese," she said pointing to it. The Doctor groaned, embarrassed as Clara burst out laughing again. "Fix this," she said pointing to the console.

"Fix?" the Doctor asked.

"Mend," Clara said.

"Mend?" the Doctor said still not getting it.

"Oh... Errr," Clara said desperately trying to think of another word. In the end she acted it out and this time it was the Doctors turn to laugh.

"I... get you," he laughed. "All along!" Clara hit him playfully.

"Fix!" she cried as the Doctor went below the console, still laughing helplessly.


Clara brought the Doctor a drink as he worked. He thanked her in his language.

"Τη³ανκ² υ³οθ²," he said smiling as she smiled back. Clara sat and waited, watching him fiddle with bits of wiring. All the time he'd mutter things in Gallifreyan. Clara listened closely. The language was beautiful and made her feel safe. She tried to imagine what it must be like for the Doctor in his world. She'd read some of the books on Galifray, mostly looking at the pictures as the text was in his language. It was odd. The TARDIS translated most books but there were some that remained in code, like a secret. Well the Doctor had many secrets why not enough few to add to his collection? Clara didn't mind too much. She was fine as long as she knew that the Doctor would trust her. She had secrets as well, some she was too ashamed to say. Secrets where what kept the two together. Secrets were good.

"Fix engines. Fix speech now," the Doctor said as he got to work. A couple of minuets later he turned to Clara. "Ah! Ai-je le?!" the Doctor cried as Clara smiled.

"Your speaking in French," she replied. "Françis?" she asked so the Doctor could understand her.

"Ah ce n'est pas bon..." he said in French. Clara couldn't understand him so just gave him a look.

"Ahora? Este es Inglés?" the Doctor asked in Spanish. Clara just shook her head. "Jetzt? Ja?" the Doctor asked. German. Clara shook her head. "Ima?.. Xiànzài?.. Awr?.." the Doctor said in Japanese, Chinese and Welsh consecutively. Clara laughed and shook her head. "I don't think I'm going to be able to fix this..." the Doctor said. Clara sighed and it was a moment before she realised.

"That was English! That there! What you just said!" Clara cried as the Doctor stopped.

"Clara?" he asked tentivly. "Am I speaking English now?"

"Yes! Yes!" Clara cried as the two ran up and hugged each other.

"Oh thank goodness! I was getting bored of you entertaining me with funny actions!" the Doctor grinned.

"Ah thank you, you compleat charmer!" Clara laughed.

"Well I can charm now!" the Doctor cried happily.

"Oh really? No, you could never charm," Clara joked.


"Doctor?" Clara asked as the Doctor fussed around.

"Yes?" he asked whilst putting away various tools.

"Your language,Gallifreyan, can I say. It's beautiful," Clara said.

"You did say," the Doctor smiled. "Thank you. English is complicated. I'd love to learn it though. For real..."

"You know a fair bit," Clara said. "Your accent is different when you speak your own language. I want to hear it..."

"Well ok then, a deal. You teach me English and I'll teach you Gallifreyan. A word at a time," the Doctor said.

"Really?" Clara asked her face lighting up.

"Sure!" the Doctor replied. "It does mean turning off the TARDIS translators again though... I know how to fix it now!"

"Do it!" Clara said. "Teach me Doctor," she asked as he grabbed her hand.


Maybe not a sick fic but it was a prompt and I liked it a lot :) the only trouble is I can't find who prompted it and its annoying me so if u did prompt this then tell me so I can thank you!!! Silly Seisha! Also I used google translate on everything apart from the Gallifreyan (which I knew) so just except thats its probably totally wrong and I don't mean to offend anyone with my rubbish knowledge of languages! Anyway this is the first day of my family visit! Yay more tomorrow x P.s. did you know that the Doctors name is δ³Σx² in Gallifreyan? And that means Theta Sigma in Greek. ;)

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