Mad water

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Mad water

The TARDIS was playing games again. Little did the Doctor and Clara know it at the time but she was and she intended to give them both a scare. Especially Clara.


"I don't mind swimming! Swimming's cool!" Clara said as her and the Doctor headed down the corridor.

"I know but I promised you a planet!" the Doctor replied.

"And? Planets can wait! If this TARDIS swimming pool is as good as you say it is then I wanna go!" Clara cried.

"It is," the Doctor replied smiling at her "You know where the TARDIS wardrobe is find a swimming costume of something,"

"Or something?" Clara asked.

"Well I don't know!" the Doctor said. "I usually swim in-"

"I don't wanna know!" Clara said stopping him mid-sentence. She skipped towards the TARDIS wardrobe.

"I was going to say trunks!" the Doctor cried after her.

"Really?" she replied disbelieving him.


"Oi! I am so going to get you back for that one!" Clara cried splashing the Doctor full on in the face with a wave of water. He just grinned at her and ducked out of the way splashing her as he did. "Oh my stars are you really that bad?!" Clara gasped.

"You mean good! Excellent in fact at splashing you in the face!" the Doctor said demonstrating this fact. Clara smiled at him and went under the water. For a moment the Doctor lost where she was but suddenly with a face full of swimming water he found out.

"Yes!" Clara cried happy to get one over on the Doctor. "I really gotmuffulle..." she began before her mouth was full of water. She spat it out as the Doctor pulled a face.

"That's disgusting!" he noted, laughing.

"It was your fault!" Clara said laughing as well. Suddenly water was over her head as she resurfaced. "Oh is that the wave machine?" she asked as the Doctor grinned and nodded. "Oh this is so cool!" Clara cried.

"Ever tried to swim against the waves?" the Doctor asked eagerly.

"That's the fun part!" Clara said.

"Race?" the Doctor asked.

"Ok," Clara replied. As the swam to the side. "Three, two-"

"Go!" the Doctor interrupted cheating.

"Cheat!" Clara called before swimming to try and catch him up. She was getting quite close when suddenly a massive wave loomed above them. This wave reached the top of the ceiling before it plummeted back down to the ground. The Doctor looked confused and worried turning back to Clara.

"Clara-!" he cried as the wave hit. The sheer force of it sent the two of them flying and then crashing into the side of the room. Clara didn't hurt herself to much as the water protected her but she saw the Doctor crash into the floor, wincing. The wave pulled the two of them back into the pool as their heads managed to come above the water, letting them breath. "Alright?" the Doctor asked.

"Yeah, you?" she asked as the Doctor nodded. "I'm guessing that wasn't meant to happen..." Clara said.

"No... We should probably get out..." the Doctor suggested. "Oh your towels soaked..." he said pointing to where Clara's towel had been resting on the side where the wave had just hit. Clara did her best under-the-water shrug as the two of them made their way to the side. Clara noticed that the Doctor was clutching his left arm... They were nearly out of the pool when Clara fell back in as something pulling her back into the water.

"Doctor!" she cried as she was pulled further into the centre of the pool. The Doctor could see that there was a massive whirlpool that Clara was getting caught up in. The Doctor took one look at his swollen, red wrist and let go of it diving in. Immediately he was pulled into the centre of the whirl pool like Clara was. He swam further into the current and spotted Clara, struggling and flailing under the strong pull of the water. He reached out and she grabbed hold of him. She grabbed onto his left wrist and he gasped in pain, water filling his mouth. He ignored it though and pulled with all his might. The two of them swam with all their might but suddenly Clara let go and the Doctor resurfaced, his lungs begging for air. Just as soon as he had come up for air, the pool emptied itself as if there was a massive plug hole being pulled out. The Doctor fell to the bottom of the pool, which didn't do his arm any help as he lay there panting. Suddenly his mind raced to Clara as he sat up and looked around. She was lying on the floor a little distance away from him. The Doctor rushed up to her as she coughed and spluttered.

"Clara?!" he cried as she sat up.

"Urugh, I swallowed too much chlorine..." she complained as she looked around. "Errr how are we going to get out of here?" she asked as the Doctor looked around as well. They were at the bottom of the deep pool, a long distance away from any stairs out...

"Ah..." the Doctor said.


Clara walked back into the console room, her hair wrapped up in a towel. She'd thrown up, mostly due to the amount of chlorine water she'd swallowed but feeling better she skipped back towards the Doctor, who had his arm in a sling.

"Better?" he asked her.

"Yes, very much so... You?" Clara replied eying up the Doctor sling.

"Yes, look I'm sorry I have no idea what that was..." the Doctor started.

"Don't be! I had fun! For the most part..." Clara said truthfully "But next time..."

"A planet!" the Doctor and Clara said at the same time giggling.

No one knew what had happened was due to the TARDIS and no one knew what she was planning next...


Oh evil TARDIS lol :) (don't get me wrong though I LOVE the TARDIS!!! everyone has their moments though!) prompted by TheDoctorsAltar (on so thanks for that! Night x

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