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"Why are we here?" Clara asked stepping out of the TARDIS slightly dazed. "I thought we were going to 'The Amazing Waterfalls of Arasten'!" Clara noted mocking the Doctor as he stepped out of the TARDIS to.

"I don't know the TARDIS just stopped. What's the matter with you girl? Hey?" he asked comforting the TARDIS's exterior. Clara sighed.

"So where are we?" she asked before stopping him. "No, no let me guess! Ohhh about the 3rd of July? In... Brighton? And it's definitely two minutes past five in the afternoon," she added as the Doctor stared at her, jaw dropped.

"But how did you..?"

"Clock tower to your left, newspaper on the floor by your right foot and the shop says 'Brighton's finest!' in the window. I could be a detective y'know!" Clara added smiling before closing the Doctors mouth by hand. He came back to his senses and strolled around the area.

"But why stop here? Why Brighton? Why now? Why this exact moment? What's the significance?" the Doctor asked himself whilst scanning his surroundings.

"I hope those questions weren't directed at me because I have no- whoa!" Clara said as the whole surroundings shifted. The whole earth felt as it was moving and Clara grabbed onto the Doctor in order to steady herself. "I have a feeling it's to do with that though..."

"In, in, in!" the Doctor cried as roof tiles started falling around them. Clara could hear glass smashing around her as she ran.

"In where?" she cried as the Doctor pushed her in the direction of a small semi detached house. The door opened and a young woman in her early thirties ushered them in panicked. Clara and the Doctor ran into the house. It was well furnished and modern and they sprinted into what seemed to be a dining room. There was a table in the middle with a cloth draped over. Lifting off the cloth they saw a small boy and a young teenage girl sitting huddled, shaking slightly. Or was that the trembling of the surroundings? All five of them managed to fit into the small space as another huge tremble shook them. The small boy started crying as the woman, who seemed to be his mum, hugged him. She let a sob but quickly covered it up. The teenage girl had her phone in her hand and was scratching the back colour off. The Doctor pulled Clara nearer as they listened to pots and pans clatter.

"Are the doors open?" the Doctor asked quietly. The woman looked at him puzzled before realising he was being serious and nodded. "Good if they were closed then the quake might jam them," Everything was quite for a while and then, "Were you cooking?"

"Yes just dinner for the two kids..." the woman started before the Doctor cut her off.

"What were you cooking?" he asked abruptly.

"Just fish fingers and new potatoes," she replied crying slightly. Clara smiled at her comfortingly. Suddenly a large quake shook them as the pan of potatoes clattered to the floor sending boiling water everywhere. The five of them moved out of the way as the last massive quake sounded and it all went still.

"Is that it then?" the teenage girl whispered. The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned the surroundings. In any normal situation someone would question the sonic but that day no one did.

"Yes for now," the Doctor replied. "Everyone ok?" a lot of nods went around the table as they all emerged. The Doctor came out from beneath the cloth first and spotted the hob, on which the new potatoes were on, lit up in flames and spreading. "FIRE!" he yelled as everyone ran out the woman carrying the boy.

"Oh my, do we need to call the fire brigade?" the woman asked holding her children close. "Alice, Oscar, are you ok?" she asked getting nods in reply as the Doctor ran back into the burning building.

"Doctor?!" Clara called after him but he didn't stop. A few minutes later he emerged.

"Fires out!" he called as Clara ran up to him.

"Doctor are you ok?" she asked as he grinned at her.

"Couldn't be better," he said before getting slightly disproving looks off Clara and a few of the other people around her.

"Well do we have anything else to worry about?" the woman asked. "You seem to know a lot. You saved my house... Thank you,"

"My pleasure. No not for a while I shouldn't think. There will be some aftershocks, just make sure everyone's ok. That was a tiny earthquake to be honest. Just have to be carful around the sea now. Massive tsunamis can erupt about now but-" he started.

"But we live in Brighton..." the girl, Alice, pointed out.

"And?" the Doctor asked.

"Well... that's the sea," she noted pointing to the sea in the distance where a massive wave seemed to be growing.

"Ah..." was the Doctors only reply. They didn't have a chance...


Well ok I'm going to do something different here. This is the chapter Earthquake and tomorrow is going to be a chapter called Tsunami but there both the same story if that makes sense. I know this is short but I've been jogging and cycling and I'm so tired! More tomorrow love you all x

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