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The Chin and the Impossible Girl Chapter 23: Rounders, a doctor who fanfic | FanFiction


"Ohhh lemonade! Never let me drink that stuff... And straws! I like straws!" the Doctor cried pacing round and jumping at all the different sights.

"Doctor? What are we doing here?" Clara asked puzzled. They were at Clara's old junior school out in the back field. The Doctor waved to a few of the people there and carried on walking.

"Friends of mine, she's ill and so they're one short on a rounders team. Thought I'd help out. See I do stop and do fun things!" he said grabbing a shirt and shorts that were thrown at him.

"Fun things?!" Clara asked sprinting up to reach him. "Right ok so you spend your whole time chasing danger and getting yourself into unbelievable messes but when the day is done its ok because you can go and play rounders?!"

"Emmm well yes!" he said.

"My old school though? Why are we here?" Clara asked confused as she spotted children running past in her old yellow and green school uniform. "And what year is this?"

"Same year as you were... Oh year four? And I told you a friend was ill and so needed me to step in last minute. Be right back. Go socialise!" he cried before running off into what seemed to be the changing rooms. Clara turned to where groups of children were milling.

"Socialise... and this is without looking odd right?.." she asked to herself.


"Right!" a young teacher cried addressing the children and the Doctor who were all sitting crossed legged on the grass. Clara sighed at the Doctors childless and laughed slightly as he swayed slightly from left to right he face lit up. He was a child really. "There will be two teams consisting of twenty players. Choose your positions now this team will be batting first and this team fielding. The Doctor chatted with his team, a group of eight and nine year olds, and then strolled back to Clara.

"So... how are your team?" she asked her eyebrows raised.

"Friendly and nice. One girl even likes my bow tie!" he exclaimed pointing to it as he was wearing it over the pe top.

"She's the one who needs glasses right?.." Clara asked mischievously.

"Stop it you!" the Doctor said smiling slightly.

"But is she?" Clara pushed.

"Yes," the Doctor muttered after a pause. "Doesn't mean she can't see!"

"Usually means that she can't see well though," Clara argued. "Hey look your up. You fielding or batting first?"

"Fielding. Second base I'll have you know,' the Doctor grinned.

"Good. I'll cheer you on then!" Clara called after him as he ran off. The Doctor smiled back.


Clara had really loved rounders as a kid and was always disappointed when she missed a game. She remembered one game which she missed because of tonsillitis and it left her sad for the rest of the week especially as she'd found out that her substitute had been hit in the head with the rounders ball and then his substitute had been amazing. She still felt annoyed even now and the fact the Doctor was playing a game without her made her feel ever so slightly jealous. She told herself to stop being silly and just watch the match whilst pulling up the grass which she used to do so often when she was were on the last bat with a little plumpish girl, who reminded Clara of her old friend, Georgia. The bowler took aim and the girl hit it with such force it went flying through the air over the bowlers head and to where the Doctor was standing. The Doctor held his hands up to catch it but it was too late and the ball collided with his head.

"Doctor!" Clara heard herself yell as she got up and sprinted to him. The force had knocked the Doctor off his feet and now he lay on the floor in a daze. A small group of year fours had started to surround him but Clara and the teacher managed to push their way through the mass of school children. "Doctor are you ok?" she asked. He was still awake but looked slightly out of it as he stared at his surroundings.

"Umm hmmm," he murmured as he sat up.

"I'm so sorry Doctor," the little girl said coming forward.

"Hey that's alright, no harm done eh?" the Doctor said giving her a hug before standing up.

"Well I'm sorry Doctor but we really must get you checked out by the school nurse," the teacher informed him.

"Right well then Clara. This team still needs a member," the Doctor said winking and holding his head evidently in considerable pain.

"Right so I'm taking your place then..?" Clara asked slightly excited.

"Yes for now if you want," he said wincing slightly.

"Ok but I don't have any kit," Clara said.

"Oh I think if you just wear trainers you'll be fine I think I have some. Your feet can only be small," the teacher said walking off. The school children had gone back into their little groups and Clara gently moved the Doctors hand to take a closer look at his head. There was a small bruise already forming, which was a bluey greeny colour.

"Ouch," Clara noted as they sat down on the grass.

"Yep very ouch," he replied wincing again.

"You don't have concussion do you?" Clara asked worriedly

"No, don't think so," the Doctor replied.

"Good," Clara said as she spotted the teacher reappearing with a pair of small red, white and blue trainers.

"Good luck," the Doctor said as she slipped them on.

"I'll be fine. I used to be ace at this game!" Clara cried back to him as he went inside to the nurses office.


"Half a rounder!" the teacher called out to a small child who reminded Clara of another of her friends, Charlotte. "Clara your next," Clara walked up to the square marked out by white lines and took her stance. The bowler took aim and threw but too wide. "No ball!" the teacher called out.

"Try and aim for my bat," Clara advised as the schoolgirl nodded. She took aim again and threw it within Clara's aim this time. Clara batted as hard as she could and watched the ball take flight and soar across the sky landing in the bushes at the other end of the field, miles away from where any of the fielders were. She was stopped dead in her tracks with astonishment before being brought back to her senses with the rest of her team urging her to run. There was no need to run, Clara could have strolled round but she sprinted past all of the posts.

"Rounder!" the teacher cried as Clara hit the fourth base. She walked back to her team where she was greeted with cheers and claps.

"You were really, really good," one boy said to her. "Better then the Doctor but don't tell him I told you that," he whispered as Clara laughed.


"Thank you!" Clara and the Doctor called back to the schoolchildren and teacher as they made their way back to the TARDIS.

"I saw you y'know," the Doctor whispered in Clara's ear.

"That was good wasn't it?" Clara asked still surprised in herself.

"I didn't know you played,"

"Oh yes I was on the school team. I went to every single match apart from one when I was ill but apparently there was another boy and a girl there and the boy got hit in the head and the girl hit the ball right to the edge of the field and I missed it all..." Clara said suddenly realising.

"You never missed a second," the Doctor said confirming her thoughts.

"And your friend..." Clara asked nervous for the answer.

"Well you are my friend!" the Doctor replied.


I'm sorry I've been a bad writer and not updated for daysssss I won't do it againnn! (Well I'll try hehe) Well this was like a nicer fluffier chapter with not much sickness/hurt in it hope that's alright I mean obviously others will have lots of hurt/sickness in them but I thought I'd be fluffy for a change :) love you all more tomorrow :)

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