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Running was a big part of Clara's new life and as it figured no shoes were suitable for the terrains the Doctor would take her through. At the moment they were running through a place which seemed to be sandy but had hidden rocks tucked underneath the thick layer of yellow grains. They were running away from a carnivorous creature called a Skeysovite.

"Wait!" Clara shouted to the Doctor as he slowed a bit turning. "I've lost a shoe!"

"Can't you just leave it?" he asked slightly annoyed. "Hurry up its catching us!'

"Do you know how hot this sand is?! Alright I'm coming!" Clara cried back sprinting to where she was. As she started off though a sharp pain sizzled through her lower torso and it all went black...


"Clara your... No... Clara brilliant news! No, no, no that's... just no... Clara look... Urugh no! Well the good news is that your fine! The bad news is... No that's wrong to... You can take this any way you want Clara but the fact is... No!" the Doctor rehearsed above the sleeping body of Clara. After a while he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't even notice her slowly open her eyes.

"What news?" Clara murmured sleepily as the Doctor shot up.

"What... how much of that did you actually hear?" he asked cautiously.

"Most of it... I don't know, where are we?" she replied yawning.

"In the TARDIS sick bay," he said hastily back.

"Oh am I ok? What happened out there?" Clara asked.

"Your... fine," the Doctor replied not bothering to answer the second question.

"Good..." Clara replied still a bit weary. "Ok so what's the news? You don't have to give me the big introduction by the way just give it to me straight,"

"Your pregnant,"

"Maybe not that straight... What?! How?!" Clara replied her voice growing in volume.

"The creature. The Skeysovite. It's a twin relative to the Nostrovite,"

"And what the HELL IS THAT?!" Clara cried evidently panicked.

"Errr, a Nostrovite is a carnivore that looks like a human with sharp teeth and claws and red pupils,"

"And a Skeysovite?"

"The same but it doesn't take on the form of a human,"

"I know, it bit me... But how did I get pregnant? Was it from that bite? Is that how they have sex?"

"Yes. I mean no! No the Nostrovites and Skeysovites, like many other species, have two sexes - male and female. However, they also required a third member, a host.." the Doctor began.

"And that host is me... Right?"


"But how..?"

"Well I can't really explain it without getting too technical but after fertilising the female's eggs, the male would take the eggs and store them in a sack in his mouth,"

"That's disgusting," Clara said disapproving.

"It's life! Can I carry on?" the Doctor asked with a slight smile. Clara nodded "Right well after finding a potential host, the male would bite them and inject the eggs into the host's bloodstream. The eggs would quickly develop inside the host as if the host was merely pregnant with another of its species. Now in the Nostrovites, the female would track down the host and tear them open to release the young. Its different for Skeysovites,"

"Thank God!" Clara said. "Wait it's going to be worse isn't it..? It is! I know that look!"

"Well yes in a way. I mean you don't get tore open but..."


"Well you see you kind of..."


"Turn into the Skeysovite!" the Doctor cried at last throwing his arms into the air.

"What?!" Clara screamed sitting up from where she was. "Please tell me you can fix this! You have to fix this!"

"Yes I can fix this, quite simply actually but the technology hasn't been fully tested yet," the Doctor tried to reassure her.

"I don't care,"

"Are you sure?"

"Your really asking me that?" Clara asked warningly.

"Fair point," the Doctor replied reaching for a small metal object.

"What is that?" Clara asked nervously.

"It's a singularity scalpel. Only two of these in the world. One belongs to Torchwood three and the other to me," the Doctor explained whilst setting it up.

"And what does it do exactly?" Cara asked trying to take her mind off what was inside her.

"It's a way of operation on a body without the use of surgery," the Doctor continued.

"Ok so how many times have you used this?" Clara inquired.

"Hmmm, oh none," he replied simply

"What?" she said trying to hide her fear.

"Well there's a first time for everything!" he replied brightly.

"Including my death?!" Clara yelled bluntly back.

"Right, ready?" the Doctor asked holding the machine out in fount of her stomach.

"Yes," Clara replied as the Doctor fiddled with some buttons.

"One, two, thre-" he began.

"Wait!" Clara suddenly called out.

"What?" the Doctor asked confused as Clara started to cry.

"I don't think I can do it... murder it when it's only a baby," she said her eyes full of pity.

"Oh Clara... If I don't stop this now you'll turn into one of those things," he replied stroking the hair out of her eyes.

"I know, I know but could you do it?" Clara cried tears streaming down her face.

"I am going to do it," he replied standing up and taking aim. Clara didn't have time to think before he pressed the trigger.

"No!" she screamed scrunching up into a ball as the Doctor ran back over to her inspecting and scanning her.

"Clara? Clara are you ok?" he asked his face full of worry.

"Why did you shoot when I said no?" Clara said looking up at him.

"Because I wasn't you talking it was the Skeysovite,"

"Has... It gone now?"

"Yes should do. You should be back to normal now,"

"Good. Please Doctor..."


"Get me some proper shoes..."


Well I was watching Torchwood the other day and the Nostrovites were a alien there and I had had a prompt for Clara getting pregnant and so I thought 'What the hell?!' More tommorrow :D

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