Panic attack

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Panic attack

"On the right!" the Doctor called as Clara looked around helplessly. "Just dump the bag in the cupboard there!"

"Where?!" Clara asked. "I'm pretty sure the TARDIS is mucking things up for me again!"

"Stop it!" the Doctor cried.

"What?" Clara asked surprised.

"No not you! The TARDIS keeps on moving whilst I'm trying to get a nail in!" the Doctor replied. After a rather nasty crash the Doctor and Clara were fixing and tiding up the TARDIS. It was pretty annoyed evidently and somehow was trying to seek out revenge on the two.

"I'm just going to leave this stuff here then ok?" Clara asked as she dropped the bag in a nearby room. No reply. "Doctor?" she asked. There was still no reply and she gave up in the end and yawned. She was so tired as Artie had been up ill all night and she was the only one in the house to look after him. His dad had come home to take care of him in the day though. Even though she had had little sleep she was determined to carry on as normal. She really wanted to spend this time with the Doctor as well and the adrenaline rushes and a million cups of tea were the only things keeping her awake. Suddenly the room seemed to close on her and she turned around suddenly scared. Nothing else happened though but she stayed fixed to the spot her eyes darting and her breathing becoming more ragged. She heard the Doctor but couldn't call out to him. Her throat was dry. She panicked as she realised she didn't know where he was. Why was she panicking? The room closed on her again and she ran through the door and out into another room. This one was smaller than the last which scared her even more as she ran back. Into an even smaller room. The TARDIS was playing tricks on her as she ran into smaller and smaller rooms. Suddenly she stopped trying to catch her breath. She couldn't though as she struggled to take in air. It felt like she was breathing in smog and she started to cry fearing that she wouldn't be able to take in any more breath. The room she was now in was no bigger than a toilet cubicle and even though it was empty so she had enough space to walk around a little she still felt trapped between the four walls. It was as if the walls were crushing her lungs making them feel small and weak. Her silent crying suddenly turned into ragged sobs. She didn't know what was happening to her but she would do anything to get out. She thought for a moment trying to calm herself down. She was being stupid. She would never normally react like this. Suddenly she remembered her phone and pulled it out of her pocket ringing the number she knew off by heart. "Doctor?" she asked willing him to answer.

"Clara?" he answered.

"Doctor I'm so sorry..." Clara whispered back catching her breath.

"Clara what's the matter? Where are you?" the Doctor replied.

"I don't know, I'm stuck and I can't get out and I'm so scared..." Clara cried back.

"What of is there something there?" the Doctor asked.

"No, it just I don't know it's like... I'm in a nightmare... and, and its got a hold of me and... and I can't get out, I can't move. Doctor please I can't breath..." Clara said before taking a gasping sob.

"Clara calm down your having a panic attack," the Doctor explained calmly as Clara became more wound up with herself.

"A what? What's happening to me?" she asked.

"Your imaginations gone into overdrive, your having a massive surge of adrenaline pumped through you and you can't cope. You just need to stay calm. I'm going to trace you from this phone ok?

"Doctor I'm so... tired..." Clara said brokenly making the Doctors heart break.

"It's ok I'm coming don't worry," he replied as he set off down the TARDIS corridors. Clara hugged her knees to herself and closed her eyes still breathing choppily. Suddenly she heard a door open in front of her and the shock of it made her jump. It was the Doctor. She got up and ran over to him, still crying. "Hey it ok now," he said holding her close. "Shame you didn't bring the rubbish though..."

"W-why?" Clara whispered into his jacket, so happy to see him.

"Because you've found the cupboard..." he replied.


I didn't write another part to yesterday's chapter simply because I wasn't going to anyway (unless a load of you wanted to) and you didn't seem too bothered either way which is fine by me! I based this on my own experiences as I've had two panic attacks in my life. One on an air bed (I know right?!) and one on a boat. Both were horrid and I would not wish them on my worst enemy (I don't have any anyway!) more tomorrow x

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