1. Journey

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Posted at 12:35am

Hi my name is Leah Marie Thompson. This is my letter to the readers of my dear blog. I won't be posting very soon because if you are reading this I am already gone. I left early this morning and I don't know when I'll be back. Don't look for me and don't wonder where I am. I am not the important person. You are. You are my friends. My life. I have no clue what I would have done all of these years of I didn't have you guys and gals to write to. I don't even know how I could ever repay what you guys have given me. I'm honored to have been writing to you for eight years. Even if this is my last blog I will always remember the unselfish support that has given me the courage to write more personally. You.

When I started this blog I was nine. I refused to put in my name or anything that could give away my identity into my writing because I didn't want my parents to figure out about my blog. You guys have given me so much support and my parents now support my decision to have my own blog. I know that you have provided me with the self confidence that I have with me on my journey. I can't tell you how grateful I am to everyone who has supported me though the journey of life. I will forever hold you in my heart.

*Love, Leah Marie Thompson*

I read Leah's blog during lunch period. Leaving? What did that mean? I knew she had been absent from school today, but I didn't think much of it. She was gone a lot and never looked at her texts unless they were from Matt.

I saw Ben Grant walked over to the table I was at. He sat next to me. "Hey." He said as he opened his carton of milk.

"Hi." I said. Clearly distracted by the blog.

"What's wrong, Kendall?" Ben asked.

"Have you seen Leah today?" I asked still staring at my laptop.

"No. Why?" He asked.

"Read her latest blog." I said showing him the screen. He moved closer to me and looked at the post.

"Ken, you don't think she's actually left? Do you?"

"I don't know, Ben. You tell me." I said to him, taking back the laptop and closing the screen.

"Well it sure sounded as if she was leaving. At least leaving her blog."

"Ben. Even if she was leaving town she would still post on her blog. You don't honestly think that she could just leave her whole life behind like this do you?"

"I don't know. We need to talk to her mom."

"Ben. Her mom is the last person in the whole town who we would ask. She doesn't know anything  all she ever does is sits around and drink wine out of her fancy wine glasses and yell at Leah for being on her blog too much." I said as I shifted in my seat.

"Very true." He agreed. Matt Wales walks over to us and sat across from Ben.

"Have you seen Leah's blog from this afternoon?" He asked us.

"Yeah we were just talking about it. Do you really think she's gone?"

"She hasn't answered any of my calls all day." Matt said. This surprised me. Leah really liked Matt. Like really liked him. She always responded to his texts and calls. Even if she left she would still talk to Matt. Wouldn't she?

Leah ignoring Matt made me question everything. Is she really gone for good?

"How about after school we go to my house and try to figure this out." Ben said.

"I have work." I said  I worked at Holister and if I skipped out on the job again I would be fired.

"Me, too." Matt said. Ben always forgot that I had a job and so did Matt. Matt worked at the frozen yogurt shop in the mall. It was called A Berry Swirl. Ben had a job at his dad's bank, but he got to pick his hours and was off this week.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now