8. Hotel

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Posted 7:30am

I am finally reunited with my one true love, Matthew. I have you now. <3

*Love, Leah Marie Thompson*

*Ben's POV*

I woke up and saw that Kendall was laying in the corner. Her hands were tied behind her back and she had cuts all over her face. She was unconscious.

I went over to her and lifted her onto the bed. I untied her hands and went into the bathroom to get a washcloth to wash the blood off her face with.

After I cleaned off her face, I put Kendall's head in my lap and stroked her hair until she finally woke up a few hours later. "Ben? Where are we?" She asked as soon as she woke up.

"I have no idea, but now that you are awake we need to find a way out of this room because we need to find Matt, Leah, and Addie." I told her.

"Well did you try opening the door?"

"No, Kendall. I didn't think of that." I said, rather harshly.

"Okay. Ben it's already midnight." She said and when I thought about it, our date ended twenty-four hours ago. "We really should get some sleep because if I remember correctly Leah just beat me up and locked me in here with you, so we will need our strength if we have to fight her." She finished.

"Okay. I suppose you're right." I walked back over to the bed and laid down. Kendall came over to the bed as well and laid down next to me. She grabbed my hand and soon we were both fast asleep.

When I woke up light was shining into the room and Kendall was nowhere to be seen. I got up quickly and started to search the hotel room. Soon I saw her in the living area, sitting on the couch.

I went to her and sat by her. She was looking at Leah's latest blog, posted only a half hour before. "Matthew is mad." Kendall said, out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?"

"He loved her and she was horrible to him. Ben, if I had gun men who drugged you and beat you up do you think you would be in love with me still?"

"Probably not. Sorry, Kendall, but that may be stepping over the line a bit." I said.

"See? I feel so sorry for Matt. We have to go and find him now." Kendall said, quickly getting up and pulling me up with her.

"Alright let's get out of this place." I said trying to turn the door knob. "Oh right... It's locked." Kendall took a running start and flew against the door. It burst open and she fell into the hall.

Kendall took out her phone and said, "I'm going to call Matt so we can hear his phone ringing and know what room he is in."

She called him about fifty times and we still hadn't found him. "Kendall? Can we take a break? I'm starvin-" I was cut off by a muffled scream,

"It came from this direction." Kendall said pointing down the hall.

We walked in the direction that the scream had come from and as we got closer to room 405, the screams got louder. I kicked the door open to see Adeline in the middle of an empty hotel room with a cloth in her mouth.

Kendall took the cloth out of her mouth as I untied Adeline's hands.

"Guys! Thank goodness you heard me! Matthew is in the room next door and that psyco girl is there with him, I think she is torturing him!"

"She wouldn't be able to do that because she loves him!" Kendall said.

"Dang! So that's Leah? Why were any of you people friends with her?"

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now