13. Confessions

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Ben let me go and I started to wonder why he was in New York. "Ben why are you here?"

"What, Kendall? Do you not want me here?" He asked as he looked into my eyes.

"No." I didn't think that was the reson I was questioning him. "I just really missed you. Well you as a friend. I know that we won't be getting back together anytime soon."

"Yeah. I'm sorry, but we need time to becfome friends again. I missed you, too, but I'm very glad that you are here, but why have you been crying?"

"I haven't been crying." I tried to convince him.

"Yeah right, Ken. Tell me the truth."

"They are tears of joy?" I tried. He pulled me in for anotherr tight hug and I started crying again.

"Come on inside. Adeline will be happy you are here. You can talk to her about whatever it is that you can't tell me I hope you can turn to Addie because it looks like it is causijg you a lot of pain and I don't like seeing you like this, all torn apart and stuff." Ben escorted me into the lovely house as Matt walked into the dining room to get Addie.

"Oh, Kendall!" She exclaimed, as she took me into her arms for a welcoming hug. "What's wrong?"

"Can we go somewhere more... private?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Let's go down to the basement." She led me through their quiet house to a set of steps that led to the basement. We walked down the steps and into the main area of the basement that was being used as a second living room. We sat on the sectional couch that was located in front of a large firplace.

"Talk, woman." Adeline said, as she threw a large blanket over to me.

"Well, while you have been here, living out your dreams-"

"Wait right there!" She cut me off, rather rudely might I add. "Sure, Matt is great, but he is a lot of work-"

"Oh my God! T.M.I!" I yelled at her.

"Not like that you sick minded child! Like I am expected to cook all the time because he is always at work and when he's not at work he is playing with the kids. It is great that he likes them and all, but I love them, too. I want to spend more time with him and my kids." Addie's soft voice melts my heart because she is going through stuff, too. I'm not alone. Matt is giving her a hard time as well.

"Anyway. I am sorry I intuerpted you. Pleasse continue."

"Well, I met someone." Adeline looked excited so I though, being the good friend that I am, that I would crush her high expectations before they got out of hand. "He was a total douchebag. I hated him."

"What? I'm confused." Adeline said.

"Well, let me finish my story and maybe you would!" I said sternly.

"Okay continue."

So I did and I didn't stop until I had told her everything about Anderson.

"Wow! Sweetie, I'm sorry I was complaining about having to cook for Matt. I understand why you are so upset now. Did you meet anyone good in college?" Adeline asked.

"No. All of my friends at college are fake. They really all hate me and the feeling is mutual. I hate them. With a passion."

"Wow! They all sound like great people." She said, sacastically.

"I know, but I really don't have any other friends at school. That is why I came here to talk to you about Anderson because I knew you would actually care about what was happenng in my life and not just make me tell you my darkest secrets just so you could gossip about me later."

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now