11. Divorce

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*Matt's POV*

"Well, sweetie... Me and your father have been having problems since you left for America a few weeks ago." I looked over at Adeline to see the anger building up in her eyes. I don't know for sure how I knew what she looked like when she was angry, but she looked very unhappy at the moment.

"No." Adeline stated, "You can't do this!" She was starting to yell by the end, her voice getting higher and she sounded very frustrated.

"Adeline! We arn't doing good and decided it would be best if we got a divorce. Easier for all of us, you kids included."

"Stop, Mom!" It was Patrick to stop his mother now. He had a look of complete and utter shock on his face. He didn't know either.

"I thought we were doing the right thing!" Their mother said, defencively. It was almost the same thing my dad had said to me before he left us, but that was a story for another time.

"Well you could have told us!" Veronica said, as she took her husband by the hand and picked up her two children, ready to walk out the door.

"Wait, Veronica wait!" Her mother called.

"No! Bye, Mom!" She said as she slammed the door in her mother's face.

"Well, where where we?" Adeline's mom asked, looking at the remaining three of us. Me, Adeline, and Patrick. Needless to say it was awkward to say the least.

"I was just about to leave!" Adde yelled, as she stood up. Not bothering to push in her chair or close the door behind her, she walked out of the house into the cool evening air.

"Well, Patrick? Are you going to leave?" His mother asked, dumbfounded.

"Duh, Mom! Why would you do this? Did you want to ruin our dinner? And really when Adeline brings her new boyfriend over to meet us?"

I didn't like how I was being added to the drama.

"Do you realize that he is the first boyfriend that my sister has ever brought to meet us?"

Aw I few honored.

"I bet he hates you right now!" As Patrick finished ranting I couldn't take it anymore, I left, running after Addie. Patrick was right behind me as we ran to catch Adeline.

"Addie!" I called, "Come back here!" I yelled after five minutes of running. She continued to run, but I was right behind her and Patrick was right next to me now. Addie stopped and ran into my arms. Before I knew what I was doing I wrapped my arms around her. Adeline was sobbing and trying to say something that I couldn't quite make out.

Patrick was standing awkwardly by us so I thought I would let him talk to his twin sister.

"Hey, Matthew. Can you go back to the hotel? I need to talk to Patrick. He can drop me off once we are done talking."

"Yeah." I said, as I hugged her goodbye.

"Bye." Patrick said, as I got in our rental car that we had driven here. I guess we ran all the way around the small pond! Wow! Talk about cardio!

"Goodbye, Matthew. I'll see you a little later on tonight." Adeline said.

"Bye guys!" I waved. "Patrick, I hope I can see you again. You seem quite nice. I think we will be great friends while I am here in France!" I said, awkwardly to my gorgeous girlfriend's twin brother.

"Alright. Bye, Matt!" Patrick replied. He smiled at me, even though you could tell the smile on his face was forced because of the news he had just received about his parents.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now