22. Planning

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*(It's been a long minute so...) Prevously on the Bendall side of things...*

"You didn't let me finish. I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend again and I bent down on one knee and pulled out a ring box so I guess you thought I was proposing to you and then you ran away, but Kendall would you like to be my girlfriend?" I said, asking her the important question that was on my mind. I doubted that she would say yes because she had so no earlier, but I guess I had a chance.

"Well... Ben..."

*Kendall's POV*

I wanted to say yes. I had to. He was my best friend and I truely loved him.

"Kendall. Before you anwser I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm taking you out no matter what you say. Matt has asked me and you to do something for him. Well and for Addie."

"Ben. Listen... I-" He rudely cut me off before I could finish.

"Kendall. I totally get that you don't want to date me. I am your ex-boyfriend and you have no reason to date me. So I'm sorry I even asked."

"Ben. Calm yourself. I was going to say yes! Of course I'll be your girlfriend! You are the best friend that a girl could ask for and I know you won't ever break my heart again. I'm counting on you for that. I need you to be here for me, okay?" I told him.

"Yes? You're saying yes?"

"Yes! Don't sound so surprised! Gosh, I love you, okay?" I told him. When I finished he pulled out a ring box.

"I don't think that getting married is a good idea right now, Ben."

"I know, but I wanted to get you something and this is what I decided upon." He opened the box and inside was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. Sure it didn't have a diamond or even a stone for that matter, but it had something that meant the world to both of us. It was shaped like a small crown and it was silver. I allowed Ben to put the ring onto my finger and it fit perfectly.

"Ben. Thanks! This is wonderful!" I said, smiling at him.

"You are very welcome and you can thank Addie for helping me with the tough process of picking it out."

"She sounds like an amazing girl."

"She is and she is your best friend and we really need to get you out of here."

"Oh, Ben. This is going to be us forever isn't it? You always bailing me out."

"Well of course, but hopefully not from jail."

"Well of course not!" I said, standing to meet his gaze.

"Well I got you a little something else, so why don't you go and try it on." He said handing me a clothing bag.

Inside the clothing bag was a bright blue dress. On the top half of the dress there was a leaf patteren and it had a sweatheart neck line. About at the waist the dress became a solid, beatiful, blue. I loved the dress that Ben had picked out.

I changed into the dress before walking out back into the hospital room. Ben was standing in the room in a simple black and white suit.

He held up the signed paperwork, "We can get you out of here, but first you need some water. It may be a little while before you get any and you know what happened last time."

"Okay." I said, as I slipped my hand into his. "Where are we going, anyway?"

"We are going to the park."

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now