9. Memories

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*Matt's POV*

"I don't know where to begin, Leah was my first true love." I saw Adeline shudder, "I said that she was my first true love, not my only, and not my last either. Addie I really do care about you." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"I know," She said, "and I want to know about you and Leah. I want to know everything about you."

"Okay. So I met Leah in sophmore year of high school. I joined Leah, Ben, and Kendall in their little group. Before that I went to a different school and lived in a different town. I didn't like anyone at my old school and everyone was a bully.

I hated it so I was pleasantly surprised when my mom said that we were moving.

When I got to my new school I saw the class president who led me around and gave me a tour. The first person that he introduced me to was Leah, his girlfriend." I explained to Adeline, "Hey I know this is off topic, but do you want to do something while I tell you the story? It will be a pretty long tale of you want to hear everything."

"Can I just lay down?" She asked, "I'm really tired from all of this kidnapping stuff."

"Right of course." I said  Addie laid her head into my lap, her legs stretching out the length of the bed.

I started to massage her head and play with her hair. She giggled as my fingers tangled in he red wavy locks.

"Anyway, I met Leah and a few days later she told me that she and Mr. Class President had broken up."

"I'm sorry to interrupt the story, but what is this guy's name?"

"None of us are ever allowed to speak of his name, or even think of his real name. Sorry, babe, those are the terms that Ben, Kendall, Leah, and myself all agreed on."

"Okay..." She trailed off.

Then I realized what I had just said. I called her babe. We hadn't even been on a date yet and I was already calling her babe. Oh no. That shows I'm desperate. I'm not.  I hope she knows that.

"I know you're not desperate, honey, don't worry."

"Wait did I say that aloud? Shoot! Also, really is 'honey' all you could think of?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah you did. And yes honey was the best that I could think of because I was thinking about you, not about a good nickname for you."

"You were thinking about me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Well duh! We are kind of dating now! It's not like I'm going to ignore you or not thing about my handsome boyfriend."

"Aww. Thanks, Babe!"

"Anytime, Honey!" She said, looking up into my eyes. "Your eyes are so blue, like an endless ocean. I love it." She finished.

"Well on that note, let's get back to Leah. So Mr. Class President hated our little group of friends after that, but I didn't mind because I was used to people hating me.

He turned the whole school against us within a matter of three days and that's why we can't think about his real name." I sighed, as I fell back onto the bed.

Addie was soon laying next to me, her arm wrapped lightly around my waist.

"So after everyone started to hate us Kendall, Ben, Leah, and I started hanging out a lot more.

Well technically I joined their group of friends because they were already hanging out before I was even part of the picture.

I soon noticed that Ben and Kendall had a thing for each other. It was obvious. Anyone with a set of eyes could see that they were in love, but somehow neither of them knew it.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now