19. Disappointment

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*Addie's POV*

After waiting for Matt for about an hour, I decided to leave and go back to the hospital to see Kendall. She is the only one who would ever understand what I'm going through with Matt. I just don't understand what's happening to us. I feel like there has been trouble in paradise with us. I don't know why I feel like things aren't good with us, but things don't seem good between us.

I got in the car, but not before writing a short note to Matt telling him where I would be. I backed out of the driveway and began to drive to the hospital by going through the route that Matt had taken to get to Ben's house in the first place.

Once I pulled into the hospital I thought about why Ben would ever run away from Kendall. I mean it's obvious that he likes her, but I guess she could have just turned him down again or something simple like that, but I don't think it was that simple because he was moving pretty fast. Plus he has the scrapbook that Matt and Leah made for them.

Leah. Even her name tastes like poision in my mouth. If she wouldn't have gone to Paris, Matt wouldn't have met me. If she wouldn't have tried to kill me and his other friends, we wouldn't even be dating because she would have ended up with him. She was beautiful and she was his high school sweatheart, not me. God, why do I put myself through this stuff? I can't compare me with her. She is a phsyco murderer and I ended up with Matthew and I love it. I love him. I don't know what's been up with us lately, but I'm okay with it. I can deal with whatever he tells me, but I need him to tell me something. Anything.

I decided to finally get out of my car and heading up to the door of the hospital. Kendall would know what to do. She has to because I have no other friends here in the US and she is the only one who would know about Leah and be able to get rid of my doubts about Matt and myself.

When I got to her room, Kendall was asleep and there was a note written on the whiteboard across the room from her bed, it said: Benjamin, If you are reading this, call us or stop by the house. We need to talk about our daughter. ~Mr. and Mrs. Humming

"Hello?" Kendall asked sitting up.

"Hey, Kendall." I said, smiling at her.

"Leah? What did you do to your hair?"

"Leah? No, Kendall. It's Adeline." I said, slightly confused.


"Addie? Your bestfriend?"

"Can you get someone for me?"

"Sure Kendall. Who do you need?"

"Can you find my real bestfriend, Leah?"

"Can I get Ben instead?"

"Okay, but can he tell me what is going on right now?"

"Yeah. I'll go and get Ben for you. I'll get Matt, too. Alright?"

"Sounds fine."

I left as quickly as I could and, trust me, it wasn't even fast enough. I was sprinting by the time that I hit the elevator door. I pressed the button and got in. Soon I was in my car and driving as fast as I could back to Ben's house.

Once I arrived I noticed that the boys were still inside and hadn't gotten my note. I did not even knock. I just walked right into Ben's house and saw Ben and Matt nowhere to be seen.

"Matt?" I called, as I walked further into the house. "Hello?" I wandered around until I heard a voice.

"Matt? Ben? Where are you guys?"

"How do you know our names?" I heard a voice say.

"Ben? It's Addie." I head a relived gasp.

"Oh my god! Addie never do that to us again!" Matt said, setting down the knife he was holding and running over to me.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now