23. Relationships

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*Addie's POV*

I was waiting in the car for a good five minutes before Matthew finally came out of the house. I could immediately tell that something was wrong.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" I asked Matt, concerned about him.

"Nothing, Adeline. It's nothing. I love you."

"I love you, too, but Matt, please tell me. What's up with you?"

"Adeline, please, there is nothing wrong. Nothing that concerns you anyway." Ouch that stung Matt.

"Alright. So what are we going to do?"

"Ben's going to pick up the kids and take them to the park so we can have a little alone time."

"Okay. Sounds good. Are we going for dinner?"

"Yeah. We are meeting Ben at his house so you can change there."

"Change into what? I didn't bring any other clothes."

"I may have gotten you a little something."

"Ooo. Thanks. You didn't have to." I said, as I took the box that he was holding out for me. I opened the box and inside was a gorgeous dress. It had a white lace top and a skirt made of a silky teal material with a bow-like belt connecting the two parts.

"I know I didn't have to, but I want you to have somethings that you want and I saw you looking at this dress at the mall the other day so I thought about it and decided that I should get it for you. Plus I know that it will look perfect on you because-well-what doesn't." He kissed me and then put the car into drive and backed out of the driveway of his childhood house without another word.

"So where are we going again?"

"Ben's house to drop off the kids and then you are all mine." It was a good thing that all the kids were asleep in the back because hey would not like to hear that they didn't get to go to dinner with me and Matthew.

Once we pulled into Ben's driveway we walked inside and Ben was sitting in there waiting for us. We dropped the kids off and once they had accepted that they didn't get to eat with us, we changed and left.

Matthew was wearing a very fact suit and I was wearing the dress that he had given me.

We got back in the car and Matt drove us to a fancy restaurant. When we arrived we were rushed into a table in the back room of the place that, I was sure, was only for people who reserved it.

The dinner started with bread sticks as an appetizer. Me and Matt talked about anything and everything. The conversation seemed to flow better than it had in months. I finally thought that we were better again. I thought maybe he was being honest tonight, but then he looked at his watch.

"Matt? Is there somewhere you need to be?" I asked him, setting down the fork and the pasta that was on it.

"Yes. Well actually we both should go. We have somewhere to be." He responded. He sounded very nervous.

"Where?" I asked, confused by the dramatic change of events.

"We just have to go, okay?"

"Alright." I said. That was all I had time to say before Matthew was pulling me to my feet and basically dragging me to the car.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I thought that this was our night for us." I said sadly.

"It is there is just one last part of this fabulous date of ours and it should be ready by the time we get there." He was acting rather strange but I decided not to push it any further.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now