27. Happiness

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*Lex's POV*

I am going to go to Matthew and Adeline's wedding tomorrow. I don't care that I wasn't invited to the wedding, I am still going to go. Like, actually who is going to stop me? Matt? He used to be in love with me. It was rude that I just wasn't invited. Sure, I tried to kill his girlfriend, now fiance, but I mean, he tried to kill me and left me paralized in this wheel chair, but now I can walk again and I'm going to take full advantage of my walking at the wedding.

Andrew came home last night and I told him all about my plan for the wedding tomorrow because he is going to have to help me do it right. I stood up and walked into the kitchen where Andrew was making pasta for lunch.

"God, Lex! You scared me! I keep forgetting that you can walk now." He said, trying to catch his breath.

"Well, Andy, get used to it. I'm going to be walking around from now on." I hugged him and he sighed.

"I know, it's just weird that you can all of the sudden walk."

"Not all of the sudden, you of all people know how long it took for me to walk." I said.

"I guess, but I've missed your walking."

"What does that even mean?"

"I don't even know." He admitted as he kissed my forehead.

"I missed you."

"I missed you, too, babe." He said, as he continued to cook lunch. "Baby, what are we doing today? You should go outside and get some fresh air or something."

"Alright, but we have to leave town before we can walk around outside. I don't want to be seen by any of om old friends."

"That's fine, but we have to be back in time for the wedding, right?"

"Yeah, otherwise the plan will be ruined and I will never get my shot at having Matthew for my own."

"I think that shot ended when you came to the BID meeting."

"Why would you say that?" I accused him.

"Because that's when you got another guy falling head over heels in love with you and he's not going to have you with this Matt guy."

"Is the only reason you are helping me because you love me? Because that would just be weird."

"Maybe, but I just want you happy and you think that Matthew is the only one to ever make you happy. So if this is actualy what you want then I will help you. I just wish that you would realise how much you mean to me. You don't need Matt to be happy because I'd like to think that I make you happy, but if I'm not then I will do anything to make you happy because I'm in love with you."

"Aw, thanks." I stated sarcastically, not really caring about the words he said. "Now get your ass in the car so we can get going!" I yelled. He had packed the pasta into some containers for us to eat on the way out of town.

I know that I may have sounded rude to Andrew after he had just spilled his feelings all over the place, but that's how I have always been. I never rell have cared about what people think of my actions. I always just went with my heart and right now my heart still belongs to Matthew. I don't know why I still love him, I mean, he did try to stab me, but that was in the past. Threee whole years ago and yet I still can't get over the fact that he killed me in order to save that stupid french girl, Addie, and now, he is going to be getting married to her in less than twenty four hours. I know that I should be trying to be moving on, but I can't move on. I love him and I think I always will, despite what Andrew thinks.

If I'm honest, which I'm not I very often, Andrew shouldn't even be talking about my relationship with Matthew, what about his with Kendall? His real name is Anderson and he was in a fake relationship with Kendall for almost two years and I don't think that he is even over her and he is trying to get me to get over my childhood sweetheart. He isn't even over Kendall, who didn't even ever like him.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now