26. Rehearsal

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^The Church On The Beach^

Posted at 5:30 pm

This may sound a bit crazy, but I've been notified that my Matthew is getting married in ten days and it's to someone that's not me, but that is beside the point so let's get straight into the story.

Anderson was now my best friend and the only person that I was sure that I could trust. We had worked together to create a plan to get rid of the threat, my friends. We worked day in and day out, but that was before I approached Matt. That was part of the plan, too. I was reluctant at first, but eventually agreed to do it.

Matt was to meet 'me' at a bar in Paris when Addie fell asleep. He headed there around eight and I saw him leave. I wasn't actually going to meet him there, that was also part of the plan. I had sent hitmen to meet him there and beat him up. He was never going to know what hit him. Well technically I guess he will, it will be a bunch of random men beating him up.

I watched as he headed to the bar, but I could not watch as my hitmen beat him up. Anderson was holding my hand and holding me against him. I looked again as Matthew headed back to the hotel and Ben and Kendall were there and Matt was freaking out at them. He never told them that he saw me and for that I grateful because he isn't smart enough to put two and two together, but I'm sure that Ben and Kendall could figure out that I was the one who set him up with the hit men at the bar. Come on, it's not like he's  severly hurt, just so much that he'll heal, hopefully. Anyways, Matthew needs to learn his lesson about leaving me alone.

Anderson was nothing but a huge bundle of support and love. He helped me confront Ben, Kendall, Addie, and Matthew at the hotel that night. I wasn't planning on 'dying' but it just turned out that Matt wanted me dead. He stabbed me in the back, literally, and I was 'dead.' Anderson also helped me fake my death and get to a hospital after Matt stabbed me. That was one thing that wasn't planned.

When we got to the hospital they took me into surgery and I am now paralyzed from the waist down. They said it might get better and in the past few weeks it has been getting better. I'm finally able to say that I can walk again. Granted it it only a short way, but it will be enough for my plan to work, with Anderson's help of course.

Well I don't want to spoil the ending for you yet because there is still so much more to come from this situtaion, I'm not done fighting for Matt yet.

*Love, Leah Marie Thompson*

*Kendall's POV*

Ben decided that he wanted to drive to the rehearsal dinner. He was driving slow, but not too slow. He was taking his time and I was enjoying the ride.

"I think I'm ready to tell everyone." He said, as he pulled into the parking lot of the church.

"I can't, Ben. I'm not ready to tell anyone. Maybe I can tell Adeline, but no one else. You can tell Matthew I guess, but not our parents. I don't want to give them false hope."

"I know. I went to see your parents when I couldn't find you. Your dad thought I was coming to ask to marry you." He explained.

"Oh God, Ben! I'm so sorry!"

"Kendall, it's not your fault." He laughed.

"Alright. Let's go and practice for the wedding."

"Yup. Let's go and see the two love birds." I said, as I got out of the car. Ben took my hand and I threw his hand back at him. "We aren't telling people and that means no PDA."

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now