16. Abandoned

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^The picture is of Adeline and Matthew's house.^

*Ben's POV*

I heard a cry from the kids' room right after Kendall left me standing at the top of the stairs. I had my speech all planned out for her and the ring was the last part of the speech.

I had picked it out for her right when I broke up with Kendall. I know it seems weird that I had bought her a gift for your ex-girlfriend/best friend, but I was still love her back then and especially now. I may have ruined it for us but I know she loves me and I'm never going to stop loving her.

I hurried into the kids' room and pick up Julie from her bed.

"I don't wants you, Benny! I wants Auntie Kendul." She said in her little voice.

"Me, too, but she is gone, Julie. I'm sorry. I want her here too." I said holding her in my arms.

"Auntie Kendall is gone?" Hannah said, sitting up in her bed.

"Yeah. I'm sorry guys I blew it with her."

"Uncle Benny?" Parker asked.


"We know you love Auntie Kendall more than Mommy loves Daddy." He said.

"You've loved her longer than anyone has ever loved anyone else." Hannah adds.

"You loved her before Mommy even met Daddy." Parker said.

"How do you guys know this stuff?" I asked confused.

"Mommy and Danny used to tell us bedtime stories as babies and now they tell them to Julie and we listen," Hannah says, sweetly.

"It didn't take us long to learn that Princess Kendall was our Auntie," Parker said, cutting off his twin.

"We had never hear of anyone named Prince Ben, but when you showed up at our house and told us your name."

"Why are you still here Uncle Benny?" Parker asks.

"Where else would I be?"

"You have to get your princess!" Hannah yelled, "Don't let Princess Kendall get away! All good fairy tales end with a happily ever after."

"You two are the cutest. I can't go after her. I have to watch you. As much as I love Kendall you guys are my priority right now."

"No. You need your happy ending." Parker said.

"Well then, go and get your coats. We have a long drive ahead of us it Kendall went where I think she went."

"Yay!" The twins cheered. We all ran down the stairs and got our coats. I guess I was chasing Kendall again.

*Matt's POV*

I looked at Addie and knew I was in love with her and I was going to marry her. That was, if we survived the stupid blizzard.

I had found a old mattress in a closet on the south wall of the bakery there were also a few blankets and pillows. We were covered by the few blankets we had and were also huddled together.

It was so cold in the bakery that you could almost see our breath in the air.

"It's a little cold, Mattie." Adeline said, shaking.

Love, Leah **Completed**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora