12. Jerk

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*Matt's POV*

Leah's body was no longer laying on the groud. A small pool of blood had replaced where her body had been laying, just hours before. "Where did her body go?" I asked Ben.

"I have no idea! You were here after me and Kendall left. I thought maybe you knew." He said.

"We didn't move the body!" I said, sternly, almost yelling, at Ben.

"I wasn't blaming you guys! I'm just worried that someone will find out that we killed her." Ben said, as Kendall came to stand beside him. He put his arm aroud her shoulder and she leaned into his comforting arms and relaxing a little bit.

"We didn't do anything wrong! She was going to kill all of you so I stopped her the only way I could."I said. My words seemed to be the reasuring words that Kendall need to hear because she seemed to relax even more in Ben's arms.

Adeline ran into my arms and I hugged her for a a long time. I saw that Kendall was also in Ben's arms. I couldn't help, but think that this was the happiest moment of my life. My friends were finally dating and I had an amazing girlfriend. I knew that we would always be friends because we were amazing friends and I could not see this ever changing. I loved my friends more than anyone I had ever loved and it felt amazing to be with them.

Three Years Later:

*Kendall's POV*

My mind was blank as I stared at the worksheet I was currently working on.  I was a junior in college and everything was great. I had an amazing boyfriend.

Shoot! I forgot about our date night tonight. I looked at the clock and realized I had about five minutes before he was coming to pick me up at six.

I shot up from my desk chair and ran into my dorm room's bathroom. I brushed my hair, threw on a nicer outfit, and brushed my teeth. Just in time, too. I heard a knock on the dorm room door. I threw on a pair of heels and went to open the door.

Anderson stood in front of me with his usual jeans and graphic t-shirt on. He took my hand and led me outside into the hallway. He rushed me into his car, as if not to be seen with him. Which is totally fine with me because I didn't need anyone seeing me with the biggest jerk in the world.

I know what you're thinking, 'Kendall, if he is a jerk, why are you dating him?' Well I'll tell you.

After Ben and I went our seperate ways I was devastated. Sure I had mead some new friends during college, but they were no Matt and deffentally not a Ben. They weren't as good, this much I knew. They could never meet the high expectations I had set for my old friends, but they were as good as I could do at the moment.

"What are you thinking about?" Anderson asked me.


"Good I didn't want you to tell me, because I really didn't care." The jerk sitting next to me said.

I knew he was being dead serious about not caring about me because he told me this a lot. I really don't know why we are even dating. I din't like him and he hated me.

Me and Anderson  had been dating since me and Ben broke up the end of Freshman year of college. I won't go into the details of mine and Ben's breakup quite yet, because I can't; not without crying for a very long time afterwords.

I'll just get into mine and Anderson's relationship. He was a year older than me and I met him when I was first starting my second year of college. He seemed like a nice guy and I was still upset that we had broken up and everything seemed to be wrong. Matt had moved to New York City to be a big photographer for Time Magazine. He was living out his dream, while I was dating a jerk.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now