3. Look

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Posted at 1:37 am

This is just a reminder: don't look for me.

*Love, Leah Marie Thompson*

Once we got to the airport Matt checked for the next plane to go to Paris while Ben and I got food. We went to Wendy's and got burgers, fries, and frostys. We returned to the waiting area and waited for Matt to come back.

"Guys the next flight is in twenty minuets." Matt said as he returned.

"At noon?" Ben asked.

"Yeah." Matt said.

"Okay. Let's get tickets then." I said.

"Okay. Everyone has their passports right?" Matt asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"I forgot mine at my house." Ben said.

"Ben!" Matt and I said at the same time.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Ben said.

"Well let's get going back to your house then." Matt said. We ran to the car and got in. Matt started the engine and back out of the parking spot. "Ben I swear to God if we miss our flight and Leah, in Paris, it's all your fault."

"And I take full responsibility for all of that, but I'm sure we will make it." Ben said, looking at the clock on his phone. Matt spend up and we were at Ben's house in two minuets. "See plenty of time." Ben bragged.

"Ben. SHut up and go get the stupid passport before I end this relationship of ours." I threatened.

"Okay, Kendall!" He said putting his hands up in defence, "I'm going!" Ben ran into his house and I sat up. Matt looked back at me.

"You wouldn't have broken up with him. Would you have?"

"No! Of course not!" I responded, "I love him."

"Kendall I think it's a little soon for love."

"Yeah right! You are stinking obbsessed with Leah so you can't say anything." I said, sometimes Matt says stupid things and they always get on my nerves.

"Right." He said, turning back around, "I propably shouldn't have told you that."

"You're probably right." I said, he went silent.

"Got it!" Ben said upon returning to the car. Matt pulled away from the driveway as soon as Ben was in the car and we were off to the airport with plenty of time to spare.

When Matt pulled into the parking lot we rushed into the building. Ben and Matt took the last avaible chairs in the waiting area so naturally I sat on Ben's lap, not even thinking about it. For the first time ever he didn't push me off and let me have his chair. He just sat there with me sitting on his lap.

He had changed since we started dating. Ben was suddenly being nice to me and I missed the old Ben, the one who would tease me and pull my hair, but always knew when enough was enough. Now he is alwyas super nice to me and I can't stand it anymore, even though it has only been a day or so that we have actually been dating.

"Ben, what has happened to you?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" He asked sounding very confused.

"I mean that you never pick on me. I just sat on your lap and you let me. Just because we are dating that doe not mean I want you to be this nice to me." I said.

"You don't want me to be nice?" He questioned, still confused

"Well of course I want you to be nice, but I want you to be yourself, the Ben I know, the Ben I love." I said. Matt smacked my leg as soon as I was finished talking. Ben suddenly stood up, forcing me to stand as well.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now