2. Travel

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Posted at 1:30 am

Just to let everyone know I am okay I will continue with my blog. I don't then I will be totally out of the loop of the social scale. You guys know how important my social status it to me.

Anyway many of you have left comments on my last blog such as these:

Funsizedminimall says: You are my inspiration to live. I wish you would stay but if you must I respect your decision to leave. Love you forever. Xoxo.

Justintimemargo says: I love you don't leave.

So I'm staying and I'm glad.

In case you were wondering where I am I will let you know. I am in Paris. Yes. Paris, France The City of Love.

I haven't found any love yet. All I have seen is a dirty city. I hope to see some beauty while I am still here.

I will be here for another three weeks. During that span of time I will be almost as active as I was back in America.

*Love, Leah Marie Thompson*

I woke up to see a notification from Leah's blog. It was one in the morning  I was laying on Ben's couch and he was sleeping sitting up holding my head in his lap. "Ben." I said attempting to wake him up. He was a light sleeper but somehow I still couldn't wake him up. Ether that or he is really good at fake sleeping. I'm guessing the second choice because the only way I can wake him up is by hugging him.

This time I didn't feel like hugging him so I grabbed my phone and used him as a backrest so I could sit up and read the blog.

She's back? She's in Paris?

I needed to wake Ben up, but we were dating now and we both needed our rest. I hugged him and pulled him to his feet. He groaned and stood up.

"Kendall. Why are you getting me up? It's one am."

I decided not to worry him with the blog now. "Let's go to bed." I said grabbing his hand.

We laid back on the bed and we started cuddling. "Hey Kendall?"

"Yeah, Ben?"

"Love you, Kendall." I turned to face him, our noses almost touched. I smiled at him.

"Love you, too Ben." He pushed my hair out of my face. He plays with my hair until his hand drops onto my shoulder. His breathing got heavy and even. I knew he was asleep.

The next morning I woke Ben up as soon as I got up. I told him about the blog that I read last night.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ben questioned.

"Ben. I wanted to have one good night with you as my boyfriend before we went looking for Leah."

"Looking for her? Kendall we can't just go and get her in Paris and drag her home."

"Ben I just don't know what to do? I love Leah!" I said as scramble to put my clothing into my bag.

"Kendall!" He said grabbing my shoulders and looking into my eyes. "Look at me!" He said. I looked up at him. "Kendall, you need to calm down. We need to go to the cops and talk to Leah's mother."

I began to sob and Ben grabbed me before I fell into the couch. I cried in his arms for a few minutes before pulling myself together.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now