17. Blood

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Hey I'm sorry in advance for the swearing in this book from now on. It isn't me it's how my characters are reacting to stuff. They may be more swearing because I don't of the new characters.

*Mystery POV*

Plan B was probably the worst idea I had ever had, but it was worth a try because it was the only choice.

Everyone is probably wondering why I'm here at the hospital. Well I would tell you but I can't. It would blow my cover.

My name is Alexis, but the they call me Lex. Only one person knows my real name and he will never tell a soul. Speak of the devil. Andrew walks into my room. Andrew isn't his real name either, but that is besides the point. I sat up to greet him.

"Hey Lex." Andrew says

"Hey. We need to get me out of here!"

"What? Why? Lex, what happened?"

"She's here, Andy!" I yelled at him.

"Who? Who is here?"

"Kendall! You idiot!" I yelled at him.

"Well, how am I supposed to anything!"

"I thought you said she was in New York!" I said.

"She was! At least I thought she was. I thought she was with Ben!"

"You told me that she was with him, for sure." I snapped.

"Alexis!" He yelled, "Stop! She was there, but I guess she left or something and ended up here. In this hospital. In your hospital room."

"Well as I said earlier, I need to get out of here before she realises who I really am. You know my real name..."

"She won't. I promise." He said, coming over to me. He kissed my forehead and said, "I'll get you out of here. Let's just pray that she doesn't wake up for a few days." And with that he left the small hospital room.

*Ben's POV*

The next thing I did after I saw all of the blood was head to the car. The twins were ahead of me and I was holding Julie, who was crying because she didn't get to play on the swings. She didn't know any better.

Then I called the cops to alert them of all of the blood. They said that a few hours ago they had responded to an acident at the park. They couldn't tell me anything else about it because they said that it would break the rules. Next I called Matt to tell him where I was and what we had just wittnessed.

"Oh my God! Ben that's awful!" Adeline said, from the background of the conversation. Matt had put the phone on speaker.

"I need to find Kendall." I whispered through the phone.

"We are coming to help you."

"What about the blizzard?"

"Everyone was over reacting. It's really not that bad. We were just about to leave and come back to the house and relieve you and Kendall of your babysitting duties."

"Okay. Matthew?"


"I'll meet you at mine in a few hours."

"Sounds good." Matt said.

I hung up the phone and began to drive to Kendall's house. I needed to talk to her parents. They might not want to talk to me after what I did to Kendall, but I feel really bad and I bet they know where  she is. That is if Kendall even told them about the breakup. She might even be at her house. I just thought I had something figured out when I came to the park, but that was a dead end.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now