24. Bonding

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Posted 1:35 pm

It's been a while, not as long as my last break, but long enough. I left off with the part of the story where I was about to execute my plan with Matthew and his strange girl.

Everything in the hotel looked normal. I got a room and it was on the third floor, just the same floor as Matthew.

I could easily play out my plan in my head, but actually succeeding would be a stretch. I wasn't sure how attached this girl was to Matt or how attached he was to her. In sure he didn't like her much because she just met him. Unlike me she didn't even know him very well.

I walked into the hotel room that was registered under a random name given to me by the BID society. That name is off topic. Anyway, I unpacked and planned for a long stay. My "hitmen" were already in place nand there was no backing out of my plan now. It's now or never.

I headed over to Matt's room. I kindly knocked on the door because I knew that he was in there with the "she devil." Matt laughed and that girl giggled. Ug. I'm going to kill her. Matt came to the door shortly after that. His hair was messy and his lips swollen I knew that they had just been making out. That was too much. Sorry, Matthew I didn't really want to do this but he gave me no choice.

"Leah?" Matthew asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah, Matt. It's me, but you can't tell anyone that I'm here. I'll meet you tonight, okay?"

"Where?" He asked.

"The bar around the corner. Matt, I know that Ben and Kendall are here, too, but I need you to come alone. You can't tell anyone where you are going, not even that girl you are banging."

"Addie?" So the devil did have a name. "I am not banging her, okay Leah?"

"Okay, Matt." I told him, stepping on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

"Bye, Leah." And that was the last that I had heard from Matt for a while.

I had some down time before my "meet up with Matt." I decided to head back to the BID warehouse facility. When I arrived at the warehouse fifteen minutes later I saw Anderson standing by the main computer.

"Leah. I didn't know if you would come back, seeing your old boyfriend and all."

"He's not my boyfriend and he never was." I said to him rather defensively.

"Okay. Chill." He said, calming my nerves.

Anderson was super nice and I was kinda falling for him at this point, but things were about to get a little steamier.

That'll be it for today's blog. I have things that I need to do and people to talk to. So I guess that I will tell you more later about Anderson and my continued plan with my dear Matthew.

*Love, Leah Marie Thompson*

*Matt's POV*

We were still sitting in Ben's basement at the time and we had been there for about an hour. We were sitting in a circle. I was sitting next to Addie and Ben and Addie was next to Patrick and by Ray and Raymond next to Veronica and she was next to Kendall and Kendall was obviously sitting next to Ben.

"We should do something." Veronica said, standing up.

"We should do something rebellious." Addie said also standing up with her sister.

"Alright, what do you want to do you little 'rebel'?" I asked, mocking her. She wasn't a bad person and it was strange that she wanted to do something rebellious, but I was all for it. So were all the others in the group.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now