28. Bride

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^Bride and Groom Outfits^

^Bride and Groom Outfits^

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^Bride's Maid Dresses^

The times for the events of the wedding:

12:00 (or sooner)- Wedding party arrives and gets ready

1:00 pm—Doors open/Guests begin to arrive/Pre-ceremony music starts.

1:30 pm—Ceremony invite time.

1:45 pm—Ceremony starts.

*Matt's POV*

*2:00 am

It was early in the morning, but I didn't even care. I had not really slept much, but I did go to bed early so good enough, right? Today was it. My big day with Adeline. I have been so excited every since she said yes to my proposal. It has all been leading up to this day. My day. Nothing could bring me down from my high. It wasn't like everything was perfect. My family wasn't going to be there. They still thought that I was too young to be getting married. I thought that they would understand. They got married young, but they don't want me to make the same mistake that they did. They said that they liked being single. I mean I guess that the single life is good for some people, but I'd prefer to be married to my wonderful fiancé, Adeline.

*Kendall's POV*

*5:00 am

Today was the wedding. I'd be lying if I was saying I wasn't happy. I love Addie and I think that she is a great match for Matthew. I was going to hang out with her last night, but Ben decided that he wanted to take me to dinner, so I obliged to him. I ended up spending the night with him again. I had been staying with him a lot lately, not that he minded.

I looked over at Ben and almost died. He was staring back at me. I had thought that he was still sleeping and it shocked me that he was awake. It was only five in the morning.

"Babe, what are you doing up?"

"I didn't sleep."

"Why? Was I snoring too loud?"

"Kendall, I haven't had a good night of sleep in a few weeks." He admitted.

"What? Why?" I asked. I was scared of his answer.

"I just keep thinking that I'm going to lose your hurt you or something like that and those thoughts just eat me alive."

"Ben, you need to stop thinking about that sort of thing. I love you and I am not leaving anytime soon. And don't you remember this ring you gave me. This shows how much you love me. Remember you promised me that you wouldn't hurt me and I believe and trust you with my whole heart."

"I know, I just can't help it. You are way too good for me and you deserve someone better than me. I was never good for you and I proved that when I cheated on you. I'm sorry Kendall, so sorry."

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now