6. Tourists

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*Ben's POV*

I stared at Kendall hoping that she would say that she was only kidding, that remembered me and loved me.

I would tell her to never scare me like that again.

She would laugh and call me an idiot and we would hug it out.

But that's just a dream, not the reality. The reality was that Kendall didn't remember me.

"So... you never told me, who are you?" She repeated.

I couldn't stand it. I wanted her to remember me. To laugh. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran out to see Matthew and Adeline.

I told Matt to come to Kendall's room and how she didn't remember me.

"I doubt she remember me either then. You are her everything and she loves you, but I'm just a person she met in high school. If she doesn't know who you are, she definitely won't know who I am." Matt said as he entered Kendall's room.

He walked to her in the bed. Kendall say up and hugged Matthew for a long time.

"Oh my gosh!" She said as she finally released him from the hug.

"You remember me?" Matt asked.

"Of course I've know you since before kindergarten. I'm in love with you."

What no she has it all wrong
She's not in love with Matt, she's in love with me. I ran out of the room as I heard Matt trying to explain everything to Kendall.

I left the hospital and heard someone following close behind me. I turned around and saw Addie. She looked panicked and shocked.

"Ben what's wrong?" She said as I started to sob. She caught me before I fell to the ground. I wrapped my arms around her and kept crying.

She was talking in my ear but the words were inaudible and I was crying to hard to decipher what she was saying anyway.

I called Matt once I could talk.

"Can you stay with Kendall for a little while? I need to cool down a little bit."

'Can I come?' Addie mouthed to me. I sook my head yes.

"Okay. Have you seen Addie?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. She's with me. She going to come with me, too." I said into the phone.

"Okay. I'll meet you guys at the hotel after a while. Kendall's asleep now."

"Okay. I'll come after we eat dinner." I said.

"Okay. Bye." Matt said.

"Bye." I said as I hung up.

"Well? Are we going to the hotel then?" Addie asked.

"Yeah." I said as I got in the rental car. Addie got into the passenger side and I drove us to our hotel.

It was a nicer hotel. The room we got was a suite with two bedrooms, a kitchen/living/dining room, and a bathroom.

I went to one room and Addie went into the other. I soon was asleep.

*Matt's POV*

I say at Kendall's side while she slept. When she woke up, she told me to tell her everything about herself and I had an idea to make her remember Ben and how much she loves him.

I took out the incomplete scrapbook from my backpack and handed it to her.

She took the book and started to read the descriptions that Leah had wrote and looked at the pictures I had taken. 

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now