14. Flashback: Blackmail

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*2 years ago, Freshman year of college; Kendall's POV*

Now I know that everyone is wondering what the heck happened with me and Ben.

It was the middle of Freshman year of college and Ben was in Washington and I was in New Jersey.

Things were hard on us but we thought we could handle it. That's when Anderson came into the picture. He was being actually being nice, and I was really confused. So I called Ben and started crying because Ben being so far away made me super upset.

I heard that Ben had been crying when I called him. I knew something was up. He told me that he was coming to New Jersey to see me and I told him that I would be waiting for him.

He came to my dorm two days later and hugged me. I told him about Anderson, who, at the time, was really nice and funny.

Then he stopped me. And told me about a girl he had met, Amanda. He told me everything about her and I knew he liked her more than a friend. I tried to talk but he stopped me.

"Kendall, you know that I love you, but it's been too hard for me. We can't be across the country and still act like everything is perfect with our relationship. We need to stop acting like life is great with us and see what's right in front of us. I'm so sorry, Kendall. We can't. I can't do this any more."

Those words became etched into my mind. I can't do this anymore? What did that even mean? Was he leaving me?

"Ben..." I trailed off, but before he could say anything else I slapped him across the face and kicked him out of the dorm room. I didn't need him.

But I did. I missed him with every ounce of my heart. I did need him.

That night Andy came over to visit me. I hadn't got out of my pajamas and was still in bed. He comforted me when no one else would. He was there for me and I trusted him.

I told him everything, big mistake.

The next day he made a deal that he wouldn't tell the whole school about me if I dated him. I wanted to fit in and not be see as an outsider so stupid, Freshman Kendall took the bait. I dated him and it was the worst mistake I've ever made in my whole life.

He found me some 'friends' and we dated for about two and a half years.

Nothing was good about those two years beside that I made good grades and didn't get pregnant, I'm especially grateful for that last one.

Then you know the rest from there. I broke up with Anderson and came here to New York to see Adeline and Matt and I got to see Ben again.

*Ben's POV*

I felt bad for Kendall, but it's not like she had talked to me for a few weeks and I was getting lonely. So I went on a date.

Her name was Amanda and I didn't really like her that much, but she was there, unlike Kendall.

So we went on a date. It wasn't the best date, but it was okay. We went out a few times and their I knew I had to breakup with Kendall.

She called me so I told her that I would come and visit her soon.

Two days later I was at her dorm room door waiting for her to come outside.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now