15. Storms

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*Ben's POV*

I opened my eyes and saw Kendall. She was the best thing I'd ever woken up to.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was three in the morning. I moved Kendall's hair out of her face and she woke up.

"Ben? What are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing." I whispered, "But we should go upstairs. It's late."

"Alright." She moaned, getting off of the couch and heading up the stairs with me right behind her.

"We are still broken up, right?"

"Benny, you know we can't be together right now."

"I know, Ken. I still love you." I said, truthfully.

"I know and I love you, too, but not in that way, not right this second anyway. You are the one who broke up with me. Not the other way around." Kendall said. Hearing her say that broke my heart. I didn't want to break up with her, but I had too.

"I had to, Kendall." I said, but I knew she couldn't hear me because she was already asleep. I hated having feelings for Amanda, but I needed to spare Kendall's feelings. Amanda was there when Kendall wasn't. I mean it's not her fault. She had an opportunity to go to school in New Jersey and I knew it was her dream to go to school there and it wasn't my dream so I went to Washington for college because that was my dream.

I thought about Kendall all the time and missed her like crazy, but I knew we couldn't be together. She was right, I had broken up with her. That was the stupidest thing I've ever done.

*Addie's POV*

Matt had an eventful night planned for us. Once we left the house I was about to get into the car when Matt stopped me. "We are walking." He said, with a cheeky smile. The smile that I fell in love with the first time I had seen him.

I took his hand and he walked next to me on the sidewalk. We walked for a few blocks before Matthew stopped in front of a small shop on a side street.

"What are we doing here? It looks as if this place is abandoned. Might I add it looks like it has been sitting empty for at least a few years."

"Well, before we adopted the kids you were always talking about your dream of opening a bakery on your own so I thought I would help you get started." He pulled out a silver key chain shaped like a cupcake with a single key on it.

"Matthew..." I was speechless, "Thank you so much." I hugged him and he handed me the key to the shop.

I took it and slid it into the key slot on the door. It fit perfectly and I unlocked the door and turned on the light inside the building.

It was a smaller shop, but it had a large kitchen in the back that would work perfectly for the baking that I loved to do. Matt pulled out a chair from the corner of the store and I sat down in the middle of my new bakery. I smiled at Matthew and he looked at me.

This place would look great as my bakery after a couple of good coats of paint and maybe a few of my infamous cupcakes in the glass cases. I could picture it already.

After unveiling the bakery surprise to me Matthew ordered a pizza and we ate inside the building that was going to become my own bakery. I still couldn't believe that it was mine. Matthew had bought me a bakery. Unimaginable. Unbelievable. Amazing. Those were the only words I could use to express how I felt about my new bakery and about my amazing, dreamy, handsome, boyfriend.

The pizza guy knocks on the door and we go to answer the door. His name tag read Andrew. "Good evening, your total will be $5.64. Also you had better get home. There is a really bad blizzard headed our way. Y'all are my second to last stop, just one more house after you guys. Then I'm off to my house, I hope you would do the same."

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now