20. Doubtful

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*Ben's POV*

I drove to the hospital and walked into Kendall's room as slow as I could. I really didn't want to be the one to tell her that Leah was dead, nor did I want to tell her about our breakup that happened about two years ago. 

Kendall was sleeping when I went into her room so I sat on the small chair that was positioned next to her hospital bed. 

After about twenty minuets of just staring at her, she finally opened her eyes.

"Ben, I'm so glad you're here! There was a weird girl-I think her name was Addie-who came into my room and was talking to me, but then she ran out really fast. I told her to find Leah and bring you and her here to see me."

"And here I am."

"The doctors think that I've lost some of my memory, but I don't believe them."

"Kendall, you have deffentally have lost some parts of your memory."

"I still remember that we are in love and dating." Kendall said, with the cutest smile on her face, that made me really want to kiss her, but I knew she wouldn't be smiling when I told her what I had to tell her.

"Kendall, that's the thing..."

"Ben? Are you breakig up with me?"

"Kendall, I love you, but we broke up two years ago."

"Get out! You are not the Ben I know and love. That Ben would not lie about something like that!" She screamed at me.

"Kendall, that was the hardest part for me to tell you, but know you need to listen. You forgot the past three years of your life. That's why you don't remember Adeline. She is from Paris."

"I went to Paris?"

"Yeah. We all did. Don't you remember when Leah went missing?"

"Yeah that was the day that you asked me out. That was only the other day, right?"

"No, Kendall that was three years ago. Do you remember anything about Leah?"

"Of course she is my best friend and I want to see her. Ben, where is she?"

"Well, Kendall... Leah's..." She cut me off.

"Spit it out, Ben."

"Kendall, this is so hard to explain, but Leah won't be visiting."

"Oh is she still missing?"


"Why won't she come and see me then?"

"Kendall, this is so hard to say... Matt-um-"

"Spit it out, Ben!" She yelled at me.

"Matt... he had to... kill her." I whispered, so quiet she probably couln't even hear.

"What? Did you say he killed her?"

"She was attacking us. All of us. And she knocked you out. Matt had to. She was going to kill Adeline and Matt fell in love with Adeline."

"Wait so you're saying that Meah is a no go. I totally shipped them!"

"Um, you're worried about the ship? What about Leah? Your best friend?"

"Well the person that Matt killed does not sound like any best friend of mine. I am of course still very confused, but that doesn't seem like the Leah I remember and loved. Ben?"


"Will you sit with me for a while?"

"Of course I will Ken." I said.

Love, Leah **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now