Le Velo Pour Deux

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(a/n: kellicsheart is letting me borrow her computer so I can write this)

*Dallon POV*

5 months was long enough for scars to heal, friendships to die, and love to grow stronger. It had been five months since a gunshot wound almost killed me, an inch higher and I would've been dead. Do I regret jumping in front on the bullet? Never, not for one second. Why? Because even if I died I would've saved the most important thing in my life. Brendon Urie.

We were walking hand and hand in the field behind the old house. The field we first kissed in, the field I asked him to prom in, and soon to be more. About two months ago we moved into an apartment together and we left on tour with the band in a couple weeks. So this pretty much has to be done now.

"Dally, are you going to tell me why we're here?" Brendon clung onto my arm.

"What we can't just go on a walk together?" I wrapped my arms around him, absorbing his warmth.

The field was so pretty in October, when the tall grass dried out and the leaves crunched under your feet. And when the sun set the dried grass turned a beautiful golden color. The perfect setting for proposing to the love of your life.

I laid our blanket down on the same spot we had laid so many other times. I poured the champagne and we relaxed as the sun began to sink down over the horizon. The timing had to be just right, and not just because this ring was burning a hole in my pocket.

I took Patrick with me to pick it out before he left on tour two and half months ago. It was a beautiful gold band with small diamonds lining the top. He wasn't one for flashiness, but he did like things that were pretty.

The sun began to sink just below the horizon, now was my chance. The field transformed to gold and the dying light hit his skin so perfectly.

"Bear?" I cautiously asked.

"Yes Duck?" He turned to look at me, the light turning his melted chocolate eyes to a honey amber.

"I could never thank you enough for being in my life, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be alive right now. You are the best thing in my life. This is going to come out so very cheesy, but Brenny you're the sun to the moon, you're the reason I get out of bed every morning, and Bren I can't imagine life without you. I remember the first time I saw you in the hallway, immeadiately fell for you. Then at the concert, I saw who you really were, and then in the coffee shop. Brendon every time I see you I fall in love with you again. I'm constantly falling for you over and over." I giggled a little bit at my babbling. "I guess what I'm trying to say is," I pushed myself up onto one knee,"Brendon Urie, will you marry me?"

Tears began to stream down my face at the sight of his smile. He brought his hand up to cover his mouth as tears streamed down his face. He nodded excesively, as he threw his arms around me. We sat in a warm embrace happy tears streaming down both of our faces. When we pulled away I slipped the gold band onto his finger. He's smile grew wider as he examined the way it sat on his finger.

I hugged him tightly again, now that I had him I would never let him go. He was mine forever and always. I pulled away and rested my forehead aganst his.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too" I planted a kiss on his soft lips.

He warpped his hands around my neck, forcing us closer together. I lost my balance a little when he shifted his weight, forcing me to fall to my back. Now straddling me, he kissed along my jaw, biting ocasionally. I let out a small sigh when he started sucking on my neck near my collar bone.

We were interupted when both of our phones got texts from the group message. With a groan, Brendon rolled off of me and we both checked our phones.


Emergency meeting at my place

Ryan had been calling these emergency meetings, they were usully about stupid things like what costumes we would wear on tour, but they were always hysterical.


Ugh fine we'll be there in 15


This better be important

"I guess we'll finish this later" I kissed his cheek and cleaned up the mini picnic.

"Are we going to tell them? Or do you think we should wait a little while?" Brendon helped me fold up the blanket

"It's up to you, I don't mind if you'd rather wait a little while." I put everything back in the basket.

"We should probably wait a day or two just to let it sink in." He stood on his tip-toes and kissed my nose.

"I can't wait to tell everyone that you're my fiance." I stressed the last word, earning a little giggle from the shorter boy.

I kissed him one last time and we went back the car and I held the door while he got in. As soon as I turned on the car we both looked at each other in shock. Our song was on the radio.

"Text Ryan and Spencer right now, tell them to turn on 94.5 right now." I laughed.

I Write Sins Not Tradgedies was on the radio! It was one of Ryan's songs like most on the album, but we had all worked so hard on the entire album and to hear it in the radio was like a fantasy. I don't think this day could get any better.

"You sound great on the radio" I kissed him on the cheek.

He turned the bass setting all the way up.

"You do to." He took my hand and we sang along to the song like we always did.

This was genuinley the best day of my life. So far.

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