The Edge Of Tonight

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(a/n: I keep getting these weird early valentines day messages from  'wattpad staff' is this just me or is everyone else getting them to)

*Brendon POV*

They wouldn't let me through to see, so I had to watch from beyond the line of police cars as they pulled Dallon's limp body from the upside down car. Hannah was at my side, keeping me from falling over. Still, I sank to my knees at the sight of Dallon's limp arm hanging off the side of stretcher.

"Please, that's my husband." I whispered to the cop, trying to hold on to what was left of my composure.

The policeman gave me a soft, pity-soaked smile before stepping aside and allowing me to slip through and dash over to the ambulance as they loaded my husband into the back. I tried to choke back the sobs, but my I failed as a sound escaped my throat.

"Sir, do you know him?" The paramedic asked.

"H-he's my hus-husband" I stuttered through tears.

"Would you like to ride with us to the hospital with his?" She asked, offering out of a hand to help me in.

I nodded and took her offered hand, climbing in the back of the ambulance to see my husband's battered body. It was hard to keep from completely breaking down, but I sobbed quietly as the paramedics did their best to save my the battered man in front of me.

His face was bloody and his arm was bent at an odd angle. They had him on a respirator and they were desperately trying to assess the problem. All I could do was pray we could get to the hospital faster and that he wouldn't slip through. The whole situation hadn't really sunk in, this might be the actual end. And it was all my fight.

Why did I yell at him? I was so stupid to do that. If I would've never yelled at him he never would've yelled at him he never would've run and we could've avoided the entire accident. That's what it was, right? A tragic accident. A tragic accident that was my fault for making Dallon uncomfortable, he would've just stayed at home wrapped in a blanket if I hadn't been such a selfish asshole.

I clutched tightly to his limp hand. He was warm, but he lacked the life that used to bubble inside him all the time. What if he didn't pull through this time? What if he isn't okay this time? This time there could be permanent damage or worse.

Oh God, I didn't want to think about the possibilities there were so many. Just from all the tv shows I had watched I knew a nose broken too badly could send bone fragments into the brain. Or that serious head trauma could result in the bleeding of the brain, there was no guarantee that the person would come out of that surgery alive. 

I could barely look at him. His beautiful face was smeared in blood, both fresh and dried. One of his eyes was purple and swollen, what I wouldn't give to see his eyes right now. There were shards of glass scattered across his face, I knew what that felt like and I wouldn't wish it upon me greatest enemy, let alone my lover.

The ride to the hospital seemed to last forever, even going as fast as we were, but it gave me time to think. I thought about how many times I had glass stuck in my face, or the times I was beaten till I passed out, or the all the times my eyes were swollen shut. None of that seemed to add up to what had happened. This was like adding all the thousands of my beatings and compiling them together. It still seemed worse.

The next thing I knew I was following the team of paramedics into the hospital. They stopped me before I could follow them to far and I was forced to sit in the waiting room while they took him in for surgery. At some point in the night all of my friends arrived and were at my side, even Pete and Patrick who were cancelled three shows and flew in from Texas. 

It had been months since we had all been together properly, the last time we were all in the same room was the wedding. But even in the company of all my closest friends, I felt alone without Dallon by my side. Our friends spoke in a hushed tone and I didn't say a word. Ryan sat on one side of me and Pete sat on the other, they had become my best friends in the past months. I hadn't realized I was crying until my head was buried in Ryan's shoulder.

"I know Bren, he'll be okay, he's pulled through before he'll pull through again." Ryan whispered calmly.

Another four hours went by before we even got news. Everyone held their breath as a nurse called Dallon's name and Hannah and I went up to the rather too calm looking nurse to receive the information. The lady had beautiful dark skin and curly hair tamed back into a tight bun, but even though her appearance calmed me slightly, it could not even begin to subdue the fire in my stomach.

"Hi my name is Chelsea, I've been working with Dallon. I have some good and bad news. Which would you like first?" She had a very mellow voice, she obviously had experience in traumatic situations.

"It would be nice to hear some good news." Hannah laughed somberly. I nodded in agreement.

"Well he is out of surgery, no major operations, just a few broken ribs that were poking into the lungs and no skull fractures, so we don't need to do any surgeries there." There was no time wasted in getting into the bad news. "However there is a significant head trauma and he lost a lot of blood, so he is currently in a coma.There is a 50/50 chance that he will pull through considering this is his second coma."

Not again.

What Doesn't Kill You (Sequel to Your Secrets Safe With Me (Brallon))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora