Thinking Out Loud

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*Dallon's POV*

There were cheers and laughs as Brendon and I approached the fairy lit reception area. The sun was now just a little sliver over the ocean, casting it's dying rays over the waves as it said goodbye. Brendon's smile stretched across his face as he laughed along with all of our friends. 

"Introducing Mr. and Mr. Dallon Weekes." Spencer's voice boomed over the P.A. system as we stepped onto the dance floor.

Shortly following Spencer's introduction the DJ, which was Pete, played a song that I had only really ever heard one night. It was the night that began as the best but ended as the worst. I had asked him to play this song for our first dance so that we could associate it with something good instead of something bad. Ed Sheerans Thinking Out Loud, the song we danced to on prom night, the night I was shot.

Brendon gave a weak smile before taking my hand and allowing me to lead him to the center of the dance floor. Once there he placed his other hand on my shoulder as I placed mine on his hip and my began to glide across the dance floor in unison. The smile on Brendon's face made me forget how to move, but I had to remember not to step on his feet. To get back at him for making me weak, I spun him around and dipped him. Kissing his nose as I pulled him up from the dip, he giggled as we continued to dance in perfect harmony.

During a slower part of the song I felt Brendon's head rest against my chest. My heart started beating faster, even after all the time we had spent together he still had the ability to drive me crazy. I knew he could hear my heart beat speed up cause for the last few seconds of the song he stood on his tip-toes and pressed his lips to mine.

Before the kiss lasted an awkward amount of time, Pete turned on another song Brendon and I couldn't help but dance to, What's My Age Again? Blink-182.


After dancing to all of our favorite songs with all of our friends, we were now seated on a elegant pastel sofa with a table in front of us. We had all eaten the food we had chosen for the wedding, which was a local italian caterer we had gotten great reviews from.Both of us were a bit to excited to eat, we ended up trying to feed each other and getting sauce all over our faces.

I hadn't noticed people were watching us until Hannah came over to get pictures of us and Halsey stared yelling at Brendon not to get red all over his white blazer. Wiping marinara sauce off his face, we laughed at the fact that we were getting married but were acting like 5 year olds. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the cake Vic and Kellin made for us. 

It had come out perfectly, everything I had hoped for. We had ended up changing the royal blue bow that wrapped around the second layer to a pastel so it would match the rest of the wedding. Brendon had this obsession with pastels lately, but by next week he would probably be into black and dark depressing colors. The cake topper was us in our suits and the shorter of the two was standing on his tip toes to kiss the taller.

"You guys ready to cut the cake." Hannah approached the table, she must've notice my staring.

There were a few people walking by admiring the cake, including Vic and Kellin, who seemed to be admiring their handy work. It appeared a lot of people were ready to slice into the cake so I nodded at Hannah and Brendon and I followed her over to the small table that held the cake. Over by the table Patrick was practically holding Pete back from the cake, Pete likes sweets.

I put my arm around Brendon as he was handed a knife. He giggled as I reached around him to hold the knife with him and we cut into the the cake. The cake didn't stay beautiful, because Brendon took a fistful from the top layer and shoved it in my face. I returned the favor before pulling him in for a sweet, frosting covered kiss.

"Great cake guys!" I turned to say to Kellin and Vic, who both looked appalled by what we had done to the cake they had worked so hard on making.

Hannah gave me a frustrated glare before trying to get the frosting off of both of us and the staff tried to figure out which parts of the cake were still edible. We were ushered back to our seats before being given our slices of cake, which we happily ate.

"Okay so as all of these guys friends are musical, we wanted to give them all gifts only we could." Pete announced from stage, where I noticed was set up with all their instruments, "This is a song Patrick and I wrote especially or you two, congrats and good luck." 

"Stuck in the jet wash.

Bad trip I couldn't get off.
And maybe I bit off more than I could chew
And overhead of the aqua blue.

Fall to your knees, bring on the rapture.
Blessed be the boys time can't capture
On film or between the sheets.
I always fall from your window to the pitch-black streets.

And with the black banners raised
As the crooked smiles fade.
Former heroes who quit too late.
Who just wanna fill up the trophy case again.

And in the end
I'd do it all again.
I think you're my best friend.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?
I'm yours.
When it rains it pours.
Stay thirsty like before.
Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?" 

Patrick's voice was a blessing, and I loved the way he sang that song. Next Tyler and Josh took the stage. Tyler had a ukelele in hand and was sporting a mischievous grin.

"We also wanted to play, considering that is what we do best. Congratulations guys, I hope this day is better than you could've hoped." Tyler began to strum the chords on the ukelele.

I recognized the song immediately, it was I can't help falling in love. A song I would often play softly in the apartment when Brendon was taking a nap or when we were cooking, by we I mean I sat on the counter while he cooked me food. It was a song that meant a lot to us and Tyler sang it so well.

Next on the stage was Ryan and Spencer, two staff members brought a keyboard and I felt Brendon tense up a slight bit as he realized what was going on. But when he turned to me he relaxed a smiled slightly.

"Brendon you know the words to this song a lot better than I do, so why don't you come up here and show everyone here just how well you sing and Dallon I'm not letting you sit this one out either, get up here you two." Ryan said over the microphone.

Brendon dragged me up to the stage, and I was handed my old bass, the one that was banged up a little on the edges from being kept in a closet for so long. I looked at the person who was handing it to me and realized it was Hannah. 

"I haven't ever actually heard you play it." She smiled before going back over to stand by her date.

I smiled a little bit and went over to the microphone stand on the left side of the stage. Sharing a look with Brendon, we started the song we both knew so well without anyone telling us which song to do. The look Ryan had given us told it all.

"The IV and your hospital bed, this was no accident, this was a therapeutic chain of events..."

What Doesn't Kill You (Sequel to Your Secrets Safe With Me (Brallon))Where stories live. Discover now