Favorite Record

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(a/n: Madisen's Log: it's currently 5 am and I can't sleep, but I have to lay low cause my mom will be awake soon, I'm out of food and water I need to last till my friends wake up. Help.)

*Brendon's POV*

At wedding's usually the bride's father or someone really important t them gives them away. Even under our circumstances I was kinda bummed to have to walk down the aisle by myself. I had no family anymore, no grandparents, no aunts, uncles, siblings, and definitely no parents. That left my to walk down the flower petal pathway by myself.

It was almost time, I read over the crumpled up piece of paper again, these vows were what I had spent the most time with. I could write countless songs about how much I loved the way Dallon smiled, or his eyes, or his laugh, but this was my one shot to get it all down. This time I had to get it right, there was no getting help from Ryan to make sure it had the perfect poetic flow. Every word needed to be from my own thoughts.

I began to pace, becoming impatient, being alone with your thoughts was a terrible thing. It allowed the thoughts to fill the silence. There wasn't much in the dressing room, it was similar to the ones at concert venues, except here I was alone. The time before the wedding is suppose to be for the couple to really decide if this is what they want, it's usually when the couple decides exactly what they are going to say and how they are going to say it.

There was a knock at the door as I started to go over my vows for the fiftieth time. This was it, the moment I had been dreaming of for months was finally almost here. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to see Hannah holding a single white rose. The flower was kind of our way of bending the traditional wedding rules. Most brides carry a bouquet, and even though I am playing the role of what would be the bride I want the wedding to have it's masculine flair.

"You ready?" She asked, gently passing the delicate flower to me.

"I don't have an answer for that question." I replied, laughing slightly

"Your job is really simple, just walk when you hear the music." She smoothed out a wrinkle in my jacket, we turned a corner that led to a set of doors.

I saw a wall of windows reveal the beautiful sinking sun over the sparkling ocean. I saw everything from behind the tinted windows. The soft pastels mixed perfectly with the sand and the white of the alter. Everything was perfect, especially when I saw a certain tall gentleman with a blue bow tie standing there. He looked so perfect I felt like I was going to break down before I even started to walk towards him.

"He can't see you yet, but like I said just walk out when you hear the wedding song." Hannah instructed before sliding out the doors. I watched her as she slipped into her seat in the first row.

The front rows for both of us weren't really filled, neither of us really had parents that cared enough to want to come to our wedding. I watched as our best men, Pete and Patrick, linked arms and made their way down the aisle, they were followed by Josh and Tyler and the Jack and Alex. There was a moment and then I heard the queue. It was now or never I guess.

*Dallons POV*

I heard the music and turned my head to see him in his gorgeous white suit and the blue neck tie. He looked like a angel descending from heaven, except we all knew he wasn't an angel. In his hand he held a single rose, his other hand dangled loosely by his side. Someone should have been walking with him, too bad we both had shitholes for parents. 

I caught his eyes, they were bright and happy and I could see a glossy rim forming around him, I swear if he starts crying it will send me over the edge. He looked so fucking gorgeous there were not words I could use that could possibly describe the way he looked or the way felt right now.

When he was almost to the alter I stepped down and linked my arms with him before climbing back up the steps with him. Spencer, who had gotten his marriage license online to do this for us, began the usual speech. Facing Brendon, I stared into his eyes and drowned out everything else. His beautiful brown eyes stared back at me, i could feel the tears forming in my eyes, I was happy and I felt felt this happy in a very long time.

"The couple has prepared their own vows. Dallon you way start." Spencer's voice snapped me back into reality.

With shaking hands, I pulled out the crumpled piece of paper that had been shoved into my pocket before I ran nervously out of the dressing room. I had put so much thought into every one of these words, each one had been carefully chosen and reviewed. Clearing my voice, I began to read my terrible handwriting.

"Brendon there are some many ways to describe my love for you. It has fought through the rough times and driven me to do some crazy shit that other people could never really imagine. I fell in love with you when we both literally fell in the hallway, and with every passing day it has continued to grow. You showed me there were colors other than black and white and that I could be exactly who I wanted to be, because it only matters what the people you care about think about you. You saved my life, quite literally actually, if it weren't for you I would've been another casualty of mental illness. When I jumped in front of that bullet for you I didn't do it to break us even, I did it because the only thing that went through my head in that moment was I can't lose the only thing that has ever truly mattered to me. I would happily jump in front of a thousand bullets to keep you safe, because I love you more than words can describe. You bring a smile to my face every time you walk in the room and I've never heard a sound more beautiful than your laugh. I love you more than the size of the ocean we are standing next to." My voice began to shake as I folded the wrinkled piece of paper and pressed it to the palm of my hand.

*Brendon POV* 

Dallon's vows got me, the words were so simple but they couldn't have been more perfect. The sun reflected off his eyes the same way it did in our field and I couldn't help but put us back there. I could see the tall golden grass growing all around us, blowing in the wind. His pale blue eyes standing out against the gold. He was beautiful.

"Brendon will now say his vows." Spencer's voice shook me from my daydream.

Carefully I unfolded the scrap of paper and tried to make out the words.

"Dallon, there is a huge difference between saying that you would take a bullet for someone and actually doing it. You saved my life and I will repay you the only way I know how, with my undying love. I give you this love not just because of this one circumstance, no you have saved me in so many different ways. You gave me shelter and care when I could no longer live in the situation I was in, you opened up your arms when I was so used to being shoved away. At the time I was so used to shutting everyone out, I had built up this invisible wall. But you came and all you had to do was tap for it to come crumbling down. There are so many different things I love about you, like the way you sing when you think no one can hear you, or the way you laugh at your own jokes. I have fallen for all your little quirks and each day you make me fall in love with them again. I fucking love you Dallon James Weekes and there is no one else I wold rather spend the rest of my life with." I felt the tears beginning to run down my cheeks.

"Do you Dallon James Weekes take Brendon to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do" He croaked out through the tears.

"And do Brendon Boyd Urie take Dallon to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" I choked out, the tears began streaming down my face faster.

"The rings." Spencer whispered as we both dug in our pockets for the wedding bands.

Carefully we uttered the words Spencer asked us to repeat and slipped the ring into each others fingers. I admired the way the wedding band fit perfectly with the engagement band for a second.

"With the power invested in me, by the internet, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss your husband." Spencer took a step back.

Dallon pulled my in tight, kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck, entangling my fingers in his hair to deepen the kiss. This kiss was much deferent than the other ones I had every shred with him, this time we were married. I pulled away form the kiss and stared deep into his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

What Doesn't Kill You (Sequel to Your Secrets Safe With Me (Brallon))Where stories live. Discover now