Im out of songs

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(a/n: filler chapter until I decide whether to give this a happy ending or if I should William Shakespeare this motherfucker :))

*Ryan POV*

"I don't know what to do with him Ryan, he won't want to stay at my house and I can't send him home to their apartment." I stood with Hannah outside Dallon's room, Brendon was still in there holding his cold hand.

"Relax, I can take him back to my place, I've got an extra room and a music room. He can crash there for as everlong as he needs, you know until he figures himself out again." I leaned against the wall.

It would be nice to have Brendon around the house, he had always been good company. He would enjoy the music room in a time like this, it's got all the instruments and maybe we can work on a few songs.

"Thanks, I just don't know what to do with him. We have to schedule a funeral and I know Brendon's gonna want a say in it, but I don't want to make him pick coffins and funeral homes. He is probably so broken inside. Ryan I don't know if there will be anything to put back together." She glanced back in the room to where Brendon was staring blankly at his loves dead body.

"Don't worry about him, what about you? Are you going to be okay?" I asked, it was hard enough to lose one person and even harder to have another hanging on a fraying rope.

"I think if I just keep my mind busy on the task at hand I'll be fine." She commented before side stepping away from me and walking into the dimly lit room.

I stood in the doorway, watching the scene unfold. I felt as if this were a family matter and that I shouldn't be involved.

"Bren, it's time to let go." Hannah whispered calmly to Brendon, whose knuckles were turning white with the grip he had on his husband's hand.

"Bren, Ryan is going to take you to his apartment, he is kind enough to let you stay there for as long as you need." She tried to get him to respond, but he still stared at the hospital bed. "Brendon, please." She placed her hand over his that held Dallon's limp one.

Brendon's head turned to look at the older girl. He got up and walked over to me, before stopping short and retreating to stand by his husband. Silently, he removed the gold ring from his left hand and did the same to Dallon's. He placed one last kiss on his lover's forehead before exiting the room, rings in hand.

"Come on Bren, let's get you to the car." I placed my hand between his shoulder blades and pushed him slightly in front of me.

"Take care of him please, he's all I have left of him." Hannah caught up, but then with those words was gone.

I guided the grieving boy to my truck in the parking lot and helped him in. He sat there messing with the two golden rings, slipping them on his finger before pulling them off again. Even when I started the car and turned on the radio, he didn't say a word, I didn't expect him to either.

We drove back towards my apartment, which was about 20 minutes from the hospital. An awkward silence fell over us as we were serenaded by crappy pop singers. Brendon was just in his own world of mourning, every time I glanced over at him he was messing with their wedding rings or muttering under his breath what sounded like lyrics, but I couldn't tell what song they were from.

When we got back to the apartment, I guided the dazed widower up the stairs to my apartment. I lived in a nice building, but it was in no way fancy. It had three rooms, so that made it perfect for me. I showed Brendon to the spare bedroom and found some clothes that would probably fit him, he had lost so much weight in the past month he was just a skeleton compared to him old stuff.

"Try to get some sleep tonight, if you need anything just yell, I'll be across the hall." I added just to be polite.

"Ryan." He croaked feebly, without turning to face me.

"Yea?" I stood in the doorway, waiting to hear what he would say.

"Thank you."

What Doesn't Kill You (Sequel to Your Secrets Safe With Me (Brallon))Where stories live. Discover now