The (Shipped) Gold Standard

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(a/n: finals are coming up *sarcasticly* yay)

*Dallon POV*

"Hey hun, did you pack my meds." I was frantically searching through the cabinets, trying to find the bottle of anxiety pills.

Our first big show was tonight but we had to pack up the bus and Ryan wanted to do that early so we could get ready at the venue. It was so weird to think that we were going to play on the venue we had met out. To stand on the same stage so many of our idols had stood on was more than a dream come true.

"No they're on the bottom shelf." He reached to the shelf that was just below eye level for me. "Fucking giraffe can never find anything."

We laughed as I quickly swallowed a pill before showing the bottle in my bag. Our apartment was a mess, there were blankets every where, the only cleaning we had done was taking out the garbage so it wouldn't smell when we got back in three months. In two months we were getting married, that still hadn't sunk in, we were engaged and now we were going to be together forever.

"Hey we gotta get going if we want to be there at an acceptable time." Brendon mocked Ryan as he said the last part.

Ryan was a pretty cool guy, but he could be a sassy ass sometimes. He liked things to go his way, but he was the only one that really knew what he was doing so we all let it slide. Everyone was so confused when it came to their first tour, but Ryan had grown up on tour with his dad so he knew a lot of the stuff that happened.

I nodded and helped Brendon lug suitcases an duffle bags down the stairs to the car. Cramming everything in the trunk and the back seat. Everything was so surreal that even when we turned on the radio it felt like we had put the CD in and it was playing in our car. Surely no one else listens to our music?

When we pulled up to the studio to meet Ryan and Spencer and get instruments it looked like total chaos, there were people every where. The two other members of the band just stood off to the side, observing the commotion of supplies being loaded into a trailer and the stuff being thrown onto buses.

"Hey guys, ready for tonight?" Spencer asked, causing Ryan to look up from his phone momentarily.

"A little nervous, but mostly excited." Brendon and I set down our bags next to Spencer and Ryan's piles.

I noticed how large Ryan's pile of bags was, but then realized he probably had a bag just for his scarves. There was something about Ryan that bothered me, I could never place my finger on which trait it was exactly, maybe I was just didn't like his relationship with Brendon. When ever Brendon and Ryan had a conversation they would leave Spencer and I out of it completely, when I tried to join in Ryan would roll his eyes and continue on as if I weren't there, despite Brendon's efforts to include me. Maybe I didn't like him all that much because he didn't like me all that much.

Now don't get me wrong Ryan was a great musician, he wrote amazing songs and played guitar really well. He could tell funny jokes and he had some interesting stories to tell about growing up around music. My feelings towards Ryan were conflicted.

Spencer, on the other hand, had become one of my best friends, mostly because we didn't write the songs. Every once in a while we would pitch in a lyric or two, but usually we would just tell stories and crack jokes until the two writers needed bass and drums.

"Ok guys lets get this show on the road." Our manager, Zack, called from inside the buses.

The crew finished loading our bags onto the bus and we all piled in, tonights venue was only twenty minutes away, but that would give us a little time to explore the bus and call bunks and what not.

"Brendon, you can have a top bunk." Ryan smirked, throwing his backpack on one of the lower bunks.

"Thanks man." Brendon set my stuff down on a top bunk, "Hey wait, does that mean I'm gonna fall out every time the bus makes a turn."

Ryan giggled as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever I'll probably end up sleeping with Dallon anyway." He commented as I set my stuff down on the bunk below his.

"No gay sex please." Spencer jested, tossing his bag onto the bunk above Ryan's

"As long as there is no straight sex." I muttered, wandering back into the kitchen and lounge area.

This was going to be a long three months.


"Good night LA" Brendon called out into the darkness as the stage lights shut off and we walked off.

I picked him up and twirled him around as soon as we were off stage. Our first show had gone so well, the venue was sold out and people actually showed up. I was expecting to play to an empty arena, but the voices of those kids in the crowd were so loud they overpowered me.

Brendon and I didn't tell the fans we were together, but during I write sins not tragedies we did share a mic, that drove the kids insane. It was hard not to tell our fans about us, but Brendon and I figured we'd let them piece it together.

"We did it." Ryan and Spencer came running around from the other side of the stage and we had a little group hug, which involved Brendon 'accidentally' touching my butt.

Filled with the buzz of tonights show, we all stayed up late chatting and gossiping like high school girls. Brendon's phone buzzed and he showed me the text on the screen.

'Great show tonight, glad to see you guys doing better'

"They were at the show tonight." I looked at Brendon with shock.

"Yea, they came." He nodded back, responding to the text.

"Wait who was there?" Ryan asked, I noticed the confused looks on both of their faces.

"Oh the nurse that looked after me when the whole, well you know." I didn't fell like ripping of that scab right now.

"Yea Sarah and Breezy, they've become good friends of ours." Brendon shoved his phone back in his pocket.

We finished the night discussing music influences and jamming out. t was nice to know that we had friends supporting us and everything. I checked twitter before I went t sleep and saw fan pages blown up with videos of tonights show, the most popular was us sharing the mic. There was a hashtag with it that I thought Brendon when laugh at. I reached up to his bunk, since he had yet to migrate down to my side.

"What's Brallon?'" I asked him.

We both erupted into muffled laughter, incase our band mates were still awake. He moved down to my bunk and curled up into my side. Sleep came easier now that I had the warm, small figure snuggled into my side, I don't think I could sleep without him.

"I love you B" I whispered into his ear as his breathing slowed and he drifted off to sleep.

What Doesn't Kill You (Sequel to Your Secrets Safe With Me (Brallon))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें